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3059 <br />3060 <br />�Q� 1 <br />�0�� <br />3063 <br />3Q64 <br />3065 <br />3066 <br />3067 <br />3068 <br />3069 <br />3070 <br />3071 <br />3�72 <br />307'3 <br />3074 <br />3�75 <br />307& <br />� <br />. , <br />' ` 9 <br />9 ) <br />� <br />- > } <br />rir�. n'F.�!`lL�l-.!3t��'f�+tta.N <br />�,��,�.u� ���z . . , <br />�3A. �pecial Provision for Residence a�d Business I�istricts: Tn residez�ce and business dzstricts <br />there s�all be no rrnore i�an one principal buildzng on one Iat except as otherwxse prc�vided in <br />this Code. The words "principal building" shall be given their cnmmon and ordinary <br />zzaterpretation. Ir� case pf doubt oz� any questzon af inierpretation, the ciecision af t�e <br />Cozara.nraunity Development Director sk�all be fzaal. (Ord. 617, 3-30-�970; amd. 1995 Cod�) <br />�8�33�013.OZa REQU�RED YA�DS AND OPEN SPA�Ee <br />3077 A. Reduction o�' Space Below Miniznum Requiremen� Forbidden: No lo�, yard or other open <br />307$ space sha�� be reduce� �n area or dimezaszaz� so as tQ �zaake s�c� lot, yard ar open spacc less <br />3079 than. tk�e rninimuzn required by ti�is Title, and if the exi�ting �ot, yard or other apen space as <br />3080 e�tisting is less than the minimurr� required, it shali r�ot �ae further red�ced. No required open <br />308 � space �ro�vided abaut any b�zilding or siruciu�re shall be included a� a paxt o£ ar�y open space <br />3Q82 required #'ar an.other buildi�g or st�ructure. (Ord. 275, 5-�2-�9S9j <br />30$3 B. Certain Str�ctures Not Consit�ered Encroachments: The fallowing sha11 noi be consider�d as <br />3084 encroaehments on yaard setback arequirem.ents: <br />3QSS �. Chizz��eys, fl�zes, belt cau�ses, l�ade�rs, si11s, pzlasters, liniels, arnaznez�tal featuxes, <br />3086 coz�n�ces, eaves, gutters and �he like prov'rded �hey da not project �nore tl�an three fee� (3'}. <br />3087 (Ord. 275, 5�12-I959) <br />3088 2. Terraces, s�eps, uncovered porches a�d patias, decks, stoops or �imilar �eatures provzded <br />3089 t�ey do not ea�ie�d above the �eig�i of the gxaund floarr level oft�e principal struct�z�e or to <br />3090 a distance less t�az� two feet (2') frozn any lot line except t�at pa�ios s�a11 no� be Iess ti�an ten <br />309� %et (10') from a stree� right of way. Fences in front yards �hich da not exceed four feet (4') <br />3092 in hei�h�. <br />3Q93 3. �ide Or Reaar Yard Only: Bays z�pt to exceed a depth o£ three feei (3'j or co�tain a grnss <br />3094 a�rea af m�re than �hirty (30) square Feet, fire escapes not to exceed a width of three feei (3'} <br />3095 a�d �enc�s or walls not ta excced a height of si� and one-half feet (b 1/2`) abav� garacte <br />3096 exeept thai zn B or Z Distrzcts or on. property lines in other dist�ricts abutiing B ax � Districts, <br />3(l97 fences or wal�s s1�a1� not exceed eig�t feet ($'} above grade. (Ord. $78, 3-23-1981; amd. 1995 <br />3098 Code} <br />3099 4. Rear Yaz'd Only: Baleonies, braezeways, detached outdooz- picnic shelters and recreatzonal <br />3100 eq�iprr�ent. (Oxd. 275, 5-12-1959) <br />3 � 0 Z C. �'ences: <br />3102 1. Location: Fences, when constructed �o enelose any lot c�r tract oi land, shail be located in <br />3103 such a vvay lhat the entire fet�ce s�all be on t�ie property of the builder thereo� Pasts and <br />98 <br />