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3104 iramewor�C shall be placed within the propexty lines af the owner a�nd �he actual �'ez�cing <br />31 OS �aateriai such as wire, lutnbear, pickets, ete., shall be placed on the szde ai the �'ence whic� <br />3106 faces tl�e street a�' the adjacent property. {1990 Cade) <br />310"7 2. Barbec� Wire Fenees �'rol�ibited: No fence constructed with ox using bax'bed wire shall iae <br />3108 p�rmitted in any R clistrict oz- on any pxoperty �iz�e whicl� abuts an R disirict. (Ord. 87$, 3�23- <br />31�9 1981) <br />3110 � ��� O1.3.43: 'TRAFFIC V�SIBiLITY: <br />3111 No fences, sfin�ctures, plantings or driveways whieh iz�apede traffic vzsibility at an intersectiot� <br />3l ] 2 shal� be pezxzaiited within a trian�ular area thirty feet (30') eac� side of t�e property corner i� R-I <br />3113 and R-2 zoning dzstricts, ar �orty feet (�0') in all a�1�er zoning districts. (1990 Code) <br />3114 � �-].�10��.04: �SSENT�AL SERV�CES: <br />3�� 5 Esset�tiai services shall be perrnitted as authozized and regulated by state law and ot�er <br />3 l l 6 parovxsions o£ the code, �i bezng t�i� intez�tio� ihai such are exempt from the ap�lica.tion of the <br />3117 zoning cade. (Qrd. 275, 5-12-1959) <br />3� 18 I�-A���.O� 3.05: ACCES� TO STl.2EET: <br />3I 19 Each appiicant for a�uil�i�g pez�it �ust saiisfy the cJazef cnde e�nfarc�z�nezzt o�'ficer that the <br />3� 20 property ta be oecupxec� by saad b�ilding sha]1 have access to a p�blic street or �vay or to a private <br />312� way protected �y a permanent easement which s�aall he of widfih and canstructior� suitable to <br />3122 trafi'ic requiremenfis of th� neighborhaod in which the �rnperty is Iocat�d. This shail not be <br />312� construed to ir�cludc alleys or servicevvays. Wh.ere a private easer�aent zs �o be used, special <br />3124 pexmissio� frornz the City Council �s requzared. (199�? Ca�e) <br />3125 ( �10� 3.06: DRA.INAGE: <br />3126 <br />312'� <br />3128 <br />3129 <br />3 Z30 <br />3131 <br />3�32 <br />3133 <br />3134 <br />3�35 <br />313b <br />3137 <br />3138 <br />3139 <br />3140 <br />3141 <br />3142 <br />3143 <br />3144 <br />� <br />B. <br />C. <br />D. <br />E. <br />Drainage Investigatia�: Before a bui�d��g permit is ap�lied �'ar, the applicant s�all submit �o <br />the publ�c r�vor�s director, fo�' the p�blic wor�CS director's ap�roval, a c�rainag� plan which <br />s�all indicate how the drainage will be handled. Onc� this plan is appro�ed, no deviation <br />will be allowed unless written approval is obtained from the public works diirector. Prior to <br />t�Ze issuance c��'saic� pe�mit, tl�e c�Zief code en�'orcer�en� off cear shal] 1,horoughly investigate <br />the exis�zng drainage features £or the ��aperty to �e used, incluc�ing az� ac�ual inspectinn oi <br />tk�e p�a�aerty. <br />Natural Drai�age: No permi� shall be issuecl for the co�structian o� any bui��ing z£ the <br />ennstruct�on ar ��cess�•y grading s�all obs�ruct any nat�zz�a� drainage water�ay. <br />Elevatzon o�fsite: I�o pe�mit si�ail be issued in ar�y case where the reiative elevatior�s of the <br />proposed b�ildi�g grade and the established raad grade shall con�ict in such a nr�anner as to <br />cause �amage throug� drainage con�itio�ts. <br />Dra��age Requir�d: No permii shall �e issued for the construction of a building upon gz�oiz��d <br />w�ic� cannot be praperly drained. <br />Waterways: Where ap�lication zs made £or a buzlding perzz�i�, arzd subsequent i�vestigatxon <br />shaws t�at �he prapetty ta be oceupied by sazd building zs adjacen� ta a por#ian of a pubiic <br />road or street containing a drainage culvert, cateh basin, sewer, special ditcl� or any o�her <br />artificial drainage struc�.re used for the purpose of draining said property or n�ighboring <br />praperty, �he applicarit �hall rneet the erosio�n and sedi�mer�tation control p�an requzrements as <br />.� <br />