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3232 <br />3233 <br />3234 <br />3235 <br />3236 <br />3237 <br />3238 <br />3239 <br />3240 <br />3241 <br />3242 <br />3243 <br />3244 <br />3245 <br />32�6 <br />3247 <br />3248 <br />�2�9 <br />3250 <br />�251 <br />3252 <br />3253 <br />3254 <br />3255 <br />325d <br />3257 <br />3258 <br />3259 <br />3260 <br />3261 <br />3262 <br />3263 <br />3264 <br />3265 <br />32�6 <br />3267 <br />eq�ipment sha11 hav� a bricic exterior, be a ma2ci�nu�n oi tvvo hundred (200) square feet i;� <br />:�ize, twezzty faur �eet (24') in h�eight and �Zave two (2} of� street, pavec� parking spaces. <br />� 1. Building �'ermi�: A buiiding permit shall be requirec� for t�ie cons#ruction af new <br />ant�nnas aaad/ar �awexs and ��a11 inclucie wind Ioading and strength and foo�ing ealcula�ions <br />pxepared by a Nlinnesota regis�ere� engineer. (C)�rd. 1166, 5-28-1996} <br />12. Exceptinn: A�tennas attached �o, but nat above, the extexzar waIl� af buildings as an <br />integraT part of the az�chitectu�'e s�all be a pezxz�itted use in a118 Business and 7��dustrial <br />bistricts. Anten�as attac�ed.ta ex�sting public utiiity �tructures or e�isting publie utility <br />towers in any z�z�iang district, includir��; �lectz'ical transmission iowers o�' pther structu�es <br />dee�aed appropriate by the Directc�r of Community Developzneni, shall be a pez�mitted use in <br />all zoning d'rstricts, provided the antenzaa(s) do not increas� �he �eight or bul� of saicl <br />s�ctu�e ar tower. {O�rd. 1198, 1-26-1998} <br />B. HeigE�� Limitations: The heig�at limitations stzputated �tsewl�ere ir� this �ode sha�� no� app1Y <br />to: <br />1. Church spires. <br />2. Belfries. <br />3. Cupolas and doznes which do z�at contazn usable spaee. <br />4. Monurrzents. <br />5. Watear towers. <br />6. �'zre and hose towers. <br />7. Observation towers. <br />8. �'�agpoles. <br />9. Electrieal trarismassian towers. <br />10. Chimneys. <br />11. Smokesfiacks. <br />� 2. Parapet walls extending not more tl�an three feet (3') above the linni�in� height Qf the <br />bui�d2ng. <br />� 3. Caaling tawers. <br />14. Grain elevators. <br />1S. Elevata�pentho�ses. <br />C. Exception �o Heig�t E�em�ptinn: If, i� the opzz�ion o�the Coz�munity Deeelopment Di�•eetor, <br />such �truct�re wo�zld adversely affect adjoini�g or adjace;�� propezty, suc� �;reater height <br />�hail not be authorized except by the City Counci� upon recommendation of th� Piaru�ing <br />Commission. (Ord. 116b, 5-28-1996) <br />�B�101.3.11: �LECTR�CAL TRANSMISSION L�1VES ANb <br />SUBSTATIONS: <br />32�8 Electrical transmission lines rated at less t�an 200 kilavolts and electricai subs�atia�s <br />3269 �ransfornazng tra�sz�ission electrica� voltage Yo distribuiion voltage are conditional uses in al� <br />3270 zani�g d�stricts, Before s�ch transmission lines or electrical substations zx�ay be constructed, a <br />3�71 f candi�io�al us� pe�rnit must be secured �ursuant to the pracedures set for�h in Chapier �•�-1-310�4 <br />3272 oit�;zs Title, excepi the requir�naen�s for providing an abstractor's ce�izficate showing adjacent <br />3273 propertq owners and fox rnailed notice ofthe heariz�g. (Ord. 821, 5-22-1978; amd. 1995 Code} <br />3274 I���1013.�2: RESTRICT�ON ON PRO'TRUDTI�G ATR CONDIZ"�ON�RS. <br />10� <br />