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31$7 publzc to ta�e the property in the fu�:ure. <br />3 I 88 C. Application: Ap��ications far interim �sas sha�l be processed in t�e same aaaannex as <br />3189 � conditional use pez�nits as establzs�ed in Section �1014.01 ofthis Title. (Ord. 1086, 1- <br />3� 90 14� i 991; amd. 1995 Code) <br />3191 ��8�-31��3.t0: TQWER AND OT�TER STRUC�'�fl�t� HETGHTAND <br />3192 FLACEME�TT LIMTTAT�C3NSa <br />3193 <br />3194 <br />3195 <br />3196 <br />3�97 <br />3I98 <br />3199 <br />3200 <br />32�1 <br />3202 <br />3203 <br />3204 <br />3205 <br />3206 <br />�z,a� <br />3208 <br />3209 <br />32�0 <br />32� 1 <br />3212 <br />3213 <br />32�4 <br />3215 <br />32X6 <br />3217 <br />3218 <br />32�9 <br />3220 <br />3221 <br />3222 <br />3223 <br />3224 <br />3225 <br />�zzs <br />3227 <br />3228 <br />3229 <br />3230 <br />323 i <br />A. Privat� and Co�nmercial Antennas anci Towers: <br />1. City-Ovvned Antennas and Towers: City-owned or cor��ralled antennas and tower si�es <br />shall be a permitted �se in B Busin�s� ar I�nd�strial Dist�icis and a canditional �se zn all <br />ot�e�' districts. <br />2. Private Ante�nas �nd Towers: Privat� (noncommercial} reeeivi�g ar transmittiz�g <br />a.ntennas and towers r�ore than twer�ty f�et {20'j in height abov� th� principal structure <br />height irz residential districts or moare �han fifty feet {Sa') in �eight above the pri�acxpal <br />structure height in busi�ess and zndustrial distric�s s�all be a conditional use in a11 districts. <br />�. Comz�r�ercial A�tennas and Towers - Ciiy Sites; Cammercia� receiving ar tratssmiitir�g <br />an.tennas and towers regardless of%eight or size �vi�h the e�ception af satelli�e dish aniear� <br />shall connect to and use the City to�ver sites if use af such �acilities is teclanzcally feasible. <br />4, Cam�nercial Aniennas and Towers - Non-City Sites: Cozajmercial r�ceivin.� ar <br />transmittiing an�enzaas and towers not lacated on a City tawer site sk�a11 be a condztipnal use. <br />Cammercial receiving or transmitting az�tennas a�d towers may only be located in B <br />Business or I Indus�riai Distz�zcts. The City znay establ�s� per�anit review periods, tower <br />terrnination, tirn� liinits or an amortization schedule specifying �he year in urhic�i the tower <br />s�ali be ialcen c�aw� by the applicant or assign. A pez�£ormance bond or other surety may be <br />requ�red by the Ci�y ir� order ta assure removai of the �ower at a speciiic daie. <br />5. Application: The app�icant shall presen� documentation ofthe possession of any rec�uir�ci <br />licezase by any Federal, State or local a�ency. <br />6. Requirements: All a�ten.nas and towers and support st�uctuxes i�ac�udi�g gu� wa�es and <br />�QUndations sha11 be subject to the apprapriate requir�ments of subseciion A$ of 1:h�s Sectia� <br />and the setbaelc rec��zirer�e�zts es�ablished fpx ac�sssory struetures i� ihe applicable zoning <br />district. Antennas, towers, guy wires and %u�dations, and sup�ort buildin�s shall be <br />co�struct�d on or�e �a� c�r parcel and shall �e se� back a minzmuin oi tlairty �eet (30') irom <br />any front property line. <br />7. Design: All antentzas ar�d �owers sha1l �e designed and screer�ed as visualiy appropriate, <br />shall utilize a City-approved �ray or bl�xe color, and shall con�ain no signage, ineludi�g <br />logos, excepf as may be required by any State or Federal regulations. <br />8. Existing Facilities: E�isti�g transznitting aaad r�ceiving £acilities at the tiz�e of the <br />adaption a�this Section rnay remain in service. However, at stxch time as any material <br />change is made in the faczl'zties, full earnpliance �vi�h tk��s Sectioz� shall be z'equi.zed. No <br />trans�itting or �receiving anteza�as or te�wers inay be added to e�istin� nQncnnforming <br />facilitie�. 'T'owers and rece�v�ng facilitie� s�a�l be dzsz�antled and rezxic�ved fro�z the siie <br />withi� one year afler abandonme�t oF �he use af the iower or facility �or comm.unication <br />p�pases. <br />9. Security �'encing: Sec�rity £encing for antennas and tow�rs may include chaxnlink a�d <br />barbed wire to a total 3�eight of ei�ht fe�t (8') above �rade. <br />10. Sup�ort Buildings: Support buildings ta I�o�se switchz�g and o�her cor�azar�uniea�ion <br />101 <br />