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3278 <br />3279 <br />3280 <br />3281 SECTION: <br />3282 <br />3283 -�-81���.01�.01: <br />3284 ���-91 � � 014.02: <br />328s -� 1 � 14.03 : <br />3286 �$l ��� 0I 4.04: <br />3287 S�re�t oar A��ey <br />3288 I ��-��� O] 4.05: <br />3289 Permit <br />3290 ��8�3� 414.�1: CONDT'�'�ONAL �SSE P�RMITS: <br />Conditional Use Permzts <br />Variances <br />Ti�e Limitatzon <br />Procedure £ox Vacating <br />P�ocedure %r Setback <br />329I A. Uses Allow�d by Cnnditional Use Perrnit: There I�as bee� provided in this zoning iztle under <br />3292 each lar�d use classifica�ion a class o£�.ses w�ich are dee�aed desixable for the pul�lic Welfare <br />3293 wi�hin a give� d'zstrict or districts but which aare potentially incompati'�le with the typical use <br />3294 pe�z�ted witnin sucl� classifcations. Such �ses ��a�i be deemed con�itior�a� �ses and <br />3295 applieation should he nnade purs�ant to ihe provisions of this section. {Ord. � 17, 3-3-195�; <br />3296 amd. 1995 Cade) <br />3297 B. Corzditional Use Perrr�its: Permits for conditional use rnay be gran�ed by the City Counc�l <br />329$ within each land tzse classification to ih� exi�nt fihat such lazad use classificatio� provides for <br />3299 tlxe conditional use proposed. Tk�e Cit� Ca�cil amay gz'ant a eonditiazaal use perrr�it in the <br />3300 district indicated under the conditians set �orth in this e�apter az�d may impose such <br />330� add�tiona� co�ditians as ii considers neees�ary to protect the public heaJth, sa�e�y or welfare. <br />3302 (C)rd. 397, 7-15-19f3; amd. 1995 Code) <br />3303 C. Pracedure Far Conditianal Use Permit: Any owner af land �ay fi�e an applicaizan �'or a <br />3304 ( canditio�.al use �ermi� by payin�; the amo�tnt sei �az�th in section -�-A�� �10 � 5.43 oi t�iis title, <br />33Q5 pxoviding a compiete applzcation and su�porting documents as s�t forth in the standard <br />3306 community dev�lopm.e�t depa�tmen.t applicatia� forrn, and by praviding the city witl� an <br />3307 abstractor's certi�ied prope�ty certificate showi�g tk�e property owr��rs within t�ree hundred <br />33Q$ fi£ty �'eet (350`) of i�e ouier baundary of the parcel of land on whie� the condi�ionai use <br />3309 permit i� re�ues�eci. A hearing sha�l be held on the ap�lication by tT�e pla�ning cor�r�ission, <br />33 X Q w�th notice and hearin� procedure as set forth in chapter 108 of this code e�cept that ��e <br />3311 z�o�ices shall coratai� the description of t�e Iand and t�e �Cind a£ ca�ditional use permit <br />3312 involved. {Or�. � � 76, 11 �-25-1996) <br />33 �3 D. Grite�ia For Issuance o�' Conditianal Use Permit: When reviewing an ap�licatio� for a <br />3314 conditional use permit, the planning co��issinn arzd City Couz�ci� shall corasider the <br />3315 �'allowing crite�ia: <br />�3 ] 6 1. Impact on traffic. <br />3317 2. Tmpaci on parks, streets and other public �acilities. <br />104 <br />