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3318 <br />3319 <br />3320 <br />332I <br />3322 <br />3323 <br />3324 <br />3325 <br />3326 <br />3327 <br />332$ <br />3329 <br />3330 <br />3331 <br />3332 <br />3333 <br />3334 <br />3�35 <br />3336 <br />333i <br />3338 <br />3339 <br />3340 <br />3341 <br />E. <br />F. <br />G. <br />H. <br />3. Compatibilxty o� the site plan, internal traific circulation, Iandscaping and struct�r�s wzth <br />contiguous properties. <br />4. Impact of the use on the market vatue of cnntiguaus properties. <br />5. Impact an t�ie general p�blzc Iaealth, safety arzd welfare. <br />6. Cozn�atibility with the city's comprehensive p1at�. <br />�'enal�ies �`or Conditional Use Perm�t Violatior�s: Failure to cozn�ly witla the require�ents of <br />a canditional use pe�-r�it rniglat result zn revocation of the condi�ional use permit. �'urther, <br />any person violat��g the requirements a�'a condi�innal use permit shal� be guilty af a <br />�zsdeme�or and, upo�1 convic�ion, shall be p�nis�ed by a fin� �ot �o exceed seve� hunct�ed <br />dollars ($70Q.00) or by imprisozaanr�ent �ot to exceed xainety (90) days, �� bo�n. �or�. g�a�, 1- <br />I2-1981; a�d. 1995 Code) <br />Additiona� Canditions: The City Councii may attach reasonable conditions tn the conditional <br />use pennit. The additian of such conditians shall co�stitute a�ndiz�g tliat the coz�ditions are <br />nec�ssary and reasonable. <br />Recording: The app�icant shall record approved eonditional use �ermits wiih the Ramsey <br />County Recor�.e�r �riQr to issuance of any building permi�: or within sixty (6Q) days a�er <br />approval, w�ichever is �ess. {Orti. 1� 76, 11-25- l 996) <br />Amendment, Modificatinn: An.y awn�r o:f land who has received a co�ditional use pern�it <br />may app�y �oar an amendrnez�zt to the cozzditzonal u�e pe�nii. Applications for arz�er�dment ox <br />z�adi�catians shall be �rocessed as original applicatians except that rninoar mpdificatzons to <br />the fierms and conditia�s of the pez�zm�t that do �at exceed a ten percez�t (10°/4) departure fro�n <br />the standard ar candi�ion spec�fied in the permit may be approved upon application #o the <br />coz�nt.�ity de�elopme�t director, after the review l�y the developmeni re�iew eommit�ee <br />(DR�). (�rd. 123�, 12-15-1999, eff 1-1-2000) <br />3342 I �1014002: VARIANCES: <br />33�3 <br />3344 <br />3345 <br />33�6 <br />3347 <br />334& <br />3349 <br />3350 <br />335I <br />3352 <br />3353 <br />3354 <br />3355 <br />3356 <br />3357 <br />l� <br />B. <br />� <br />Hard�hip: Where there are practiical difficulties or unusual ha�rdsk�ips in i�e way ofr ca�rying <br />out tne strict ietter o� the pro��szons af thzs cod�, the City Council s�a�l have the power, ir� a <br />speci�'ic case atkd after �otice and publ�c hearings, to vary ar�y such provision zn harmony <br />with the general purpose and intent t�aereo� ar�d z�a.ay impose suc� additianal cQndiizo�s as it <br />considers necessary so that the p�blic h�a�t�, safety aa�d general wel£are may be secured and <br />substa�tial jusiice done. (4rd. 275, 5-12-1959) <br />P�oceduz�e �'or Variances: Any or7vn�rr of �and �ay ��e an app�icatiat� faz° a variance by <br />paying the %e set forth in sectio� �l fl I S.Q3 af this title, providiz�g a completed <br />applica�ion and supportin� documents as set fort�i irn the �fiandard community develop�n�nt <br />departme�t application form, and by proviciing the ciiy with an abstractor's certi��d prnperty <br />certificate showing �he property own�rs within three hundred fifty feei (350') o�the outer <br />bo�daries of tl�e parc�I oi Iarrd on which the vaxiance is requested. The a�plicatio� shaIl <br />then be heard by the variance �oard or p�a�i�g comr�azssion upon the same published <br />noiiee, �aili�g �otiee ax�d hearing procedure as sei �arth in chapter 108 of �1ais code. (Ord. <br />� 176, 11-25-1996) (Ord. �301, passed 2-9-2004, effeciive 4-1-2�Q4) <br />3358 ��9�. �' � 4� 4.03: T�ME L�MTTATION: <br />3359 Anq action by t�e City Council w�ic� graaa.ts any conditional use pern�it az any ac�ion by the <br />3360 varian.ce baard in xe�;ar� to a variance pursuant to this cha�ater, hereiofore or her�after granted, <br />3361. shal� expire wit�in six (6) mflnths after t�e date of �aid action, uzaless �he ap�licant for s�ch use <br />� as <br />