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3599 � 1-8�510� 6.03. �iEARING B�FORE CITY COUNCILe <br />3600 A. Gouncii Actioz�: The City Cot�nciI rr�a.� take final action upon the a�plication after t�e <br />3601 hearing, in �la� procec�ure set farth in cha�ter 108 of this code. (Ord. 1176, 1�-25-1995) <br />3602 ��0��.04: �F��� To ��aNN�.�G �o��ss�o�: <br />36Q3 The City Cot�ncil s�all z�ot rezonc azzy �anc� or area in any zoning dis�icts without first having <br />3b04 r��erred it �o the planr�ing commission. Any other proposed arnendm�nt to t�iis title may be <br />3605 r�ferred to the �lat�nin.g ca�z�ission for canszdexation and reco�endation. (�rd. 275, 5-12- <br />3606 1959} <br />3607 I JSV���O��aV�e 1��:1�.R'J.G?����V • <br />3648 No person shall be entitled to presen� ar�y �etitio� %r the rezoning of land within six (6) months <br />3603 frorn �he recezpt o�' a petition seelcin� suhsta�atially the sa�ae xezaning w�ere such original � <br />36 � 0 pei:ii:zo� �Zas been e�act�d upan ar�d denie�. This pxavxsio�z shall not affect any right tp present a <br />3611 petztian where a former pe�i�ion laas �een wit.hdrawn. (Ord. 289, 3-22-1960} <br />1�3 <br />