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3552 <br />3563 <br />3564 <br />3565 <br />3566 <br />3567 <br />3568 <br />3569 <br />3570 <br />357� <br />3572 <br />3573 <br />3 S'74 <br />3575 <br />3576 <br />3577 <br />3578 <br />3579 <br />3580 <br />358� <br />3582 <br />3583 <br />3584 <br />3585 <br />3586 <br />3587 <br />3588 <br />3589 <br />3S9Q <br />3591 <br />3592 <br />3593 <br />3594 <br />3595 <br />3596 <br />3597 <br />3598 <br />SECT�ON: <br />�8-�-� 1016.0 � : <br />�-9-�1016.02: <br />Commiss�on <br />�-9-� 1016.03 : <br />Cauncil <br />-�-�-� 10 � 6.04 : <br />Commzssion <br />�IO1h.05: <br />�10i6.01: REZONII�TG AFPL�CAT�4N: <br />A. <br />I. <br />C. <br />Rezaning Application <br />Heaxing b��ore Planning <br />Hearing hefore City <br />Re�'e�ral to Planning <br />Rehearing <br />Az�end�n�nt by City Cnuneil: The City Co�z�ci1 may amend this zoning code in aceordaance <br />vvith Mi�a�esota statutes 4C2.357, subd. 2. The City Co�ncil ranay amend tl�e official zonin� <br />map upan a�najoriiy �ote of a11 members of the City Co�ancil. (Ord.. �2SS, l 1-26-2001) <br />Applicat�on; Praperty Certificate: A�y person aw�aing r�al estate in �ie city �ay file an <br />applicatio� wztl� tl�e city manager in t�e forzn of a written reques� or petition ta rezo�e <br />petitioner's real estate or such r�al estate abutting tk�ereto. The application shall be <br />accompaniec� by an abstractaz's certified prn�erty certifcate �hawin�; the property o�:vners <br />withirz three �undred fift� feet (354') of the outer bo�daries of the laxad ��roposed to be <br />reza�:ed. The city mar�ager shall refer such written a��lication together with abstractor's <br />certified property certific�te to th� City Council. <br />Referral to Planning Comznission: ��the application is in the forr�r� of a�efiition and contains <br />t�e sigr�at�res of iifty �ercent {50%} a£ t�e property owners ab�tting �he la.nd affec�ed, the <br />City Cpuncil shall refer the application. and re�ated i�formation to the p�annzng cazn�ission. <br />Any other applicatipn �ay be referred by the Ciiy Couz�cil to the planning comncazssion ax <br />re�urned to �he applicant. The City Co�ancil rnay, of iis awn �ation, initiate the requcst fo�r <br />rezoning and refer the sat-ne to the planning commissian. (Oard. 72'7, 4-29-1974) <br />'.�l �� 6.02: HEARING BEF4RE PLANNING COMMISSI4N: <br />A. Public �earing: The planning eommission s�all k�a�d a public hearing as provided fpr in <br />chapter �08 ofthis cod�. <br />B. Report of The Plannizzg Coz�vrzission: Wi�hir� ter� (10) days after t�e completion n� the <br />hearing, the planning cornn�issioz� shall make a report to �he City Council stating. i�s �'indings <br />atad recommendations, unless the pla�az�i�ag cpmmission requests additia�aal ti�e as set forth <br />in chapter �08 of �his code. (Ord. 1176, 11-ZS-�996) <br />112 <br />