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3681 <br />3682 <br />3683 <br />3C�84 <br />3685 <br />3686 <br />36$7 <br />3688 <br />3689 <br />3690 <br />3691 <br />3692 <br />3693 <br />3694 <br />3695 <br />369fi <br />3697 <br />3698 <br />3699 <br />3700 <br />370I <br />3702 <br />3703 <br />3704 <br />3705 <br />��os <br />3707 <br />3708 <br />37�9 <br />3710 <br />37�� <br />3712 <br />3713 <br />37�4 <br />3715 <br />37I5 <br />37�7 <br />3718 <br />3"1I9 <br />3720 <br />3721 <br />3722 <br />3723 <br />3724 <br />3725 <br />�� <br />by contributing ta t�e pollutior� of s�ur�ace and gro�d wate�s, �ut also by impairing the local <br />t� base. <br />3. Land developrnent and u�e impact a11 receivir�� v�raters, especialXy Iakes, tay cpntributing <br />to their impairm�ni: ik�rough point and �oz�point �ollut�an sources. <br />�. Th� C�iy �as adapted a Sur�ace Water Management �'1an �iat r�cognizes that its stoz•z� <br />w�.ter system i� integrated with the rr�anagez�aent of its �at�ral lakes and wetla�ds. <br />5. Ti�erefore, tl�e Czty has deter�ined tk�at it is in t�e best interests of t�e public to manage <br />its Compre�ens�ve Plan and Suriace Water Management Plan by a eonsolidated approach <br />w�tla th�s Chapter to avoid eonflict and duplication to the maximum practical extent. <br />�taiement of Purpose: to achieve the policies described in ihe City Comprehenszve �'lan, <br />State and Federal policies and statutes, the City in�ends ta dete�ir�e, co�taro� and guide <br />fu�ture develnpm.ezat wzt�iin and suz�aut�ding fh.ose la�d areas whieh are coritiguous tn <br />designated badies o� puhlic water and areas of "nat�zral environmentaI significance" as <br />herei�z defined and re�ulatsd. Speci�'ically, this C�apter puzports to: <br />l. Reguiate the place�aant of sani�ary and s�ar�a� water disposal faezlities on lots; <br />2. Regulate ihe area of a lot and the length of water frontage st�itable for a building site; <br />3. Re�uiate alteratian of the sl�orelands and wetlands of p�biic waters; <br />4. Cantrol natural environment areas of ecalogical value io main�ain existing aquatic, <br />v�getation and wildlife edndi�inns to the zna�imum extent possible; <br />5. Regulate the use and subdivision o� land wit�in the corpora�e limits as it relates to p�blic <br />waters, shoreZands and stazm water; <br />6. Pro�ide variances fram the minimum standards and crzteria. (Ord. 1156, 12-12-94} <br />��0.�7A5: DEFI�TIT�(3NS: <br />U�less speciiicaliy c�e�ned below, words or phrases used i� this Chapter s�all be interpreted so <br />as �o give the�a t�e same mea�ing as �hey have in cammon usage and �o give this Chapter its <br />most r�asonable a�pIication. For �he p�pose o£this Chap�er, the words "�ust" a�:d "shall" are <br />manc�atory and not ��rmissive. All disiances, uni�ss €�iherwise specified, shall be measured <br />har�zantally. <br />As used i� �his Chapter, the �ollowing words anc� terms shalI have the meanings ascribec� to thern <br />in this Section: <br />ACCESSORY STRUCTURE OR FAC�L�TY: Any build.i�g or improve�ez�t suhordinate to <br />a princi�al use whzch, because a� the nature of its use, can reaso�nably be located a� or <br />greater than normal str�ctuz�e sefibacks (such as a detached garag�). <br />SLU�F: A�opn�raphic feati�re such as a ha�l, cliff, o� ezx�batak.znent having the following <br />characteristics (an area with an average slope o�' Xess than 18 percent over a distance for 50 <br />feet or rmc�re shall not be considered part oithe bIuf�: <br />A. Part or all of the feaiure is lacat�d i� a shorelar�d az�ea; <br />B. T�ie slop�; rises a� leas� twenty fi�re feet (25') above the ordinary hig� water ie�el of �he <br />wa�erbody; <br />C. The �rade of tk�e slope frozn the to� of the bluff to a point twenty five feet (25`) or <br />�aa�ore above the ardinary �igh water �level averages thirty pereez�t {30%) or gareate�; and <br />D, The �lope �nust drain tnward �he watexbady. <br />BLU�'�' IMPACT ZONE: A blu££, at�d, only in shoreland districts, �az�d located thirty feet <br />(30`) �andwarrd frazn the �op o£a btuif. <br />B�ARD OT' AD�USTMENT AND �,PPEAL: Ti�e Roseville City Cour�cil and Mayor. <br />I17 <br />