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3726 BOATHOU�E: A structur� des'rgned anc� used solely for the s�orage of water cra�is, l�oats, <br />3727 boating ox water craft equipment. <br />3728 B[1TLD�NG LINE: A�ine parallel to a la� lin� or th� ardinary high water level at the <br />3729 rec�uired setbacl� beyond which a stzuctu7re znay not extend. <br />�730 COMMERCII�,L PLANN�D UN�T DEVELOPMENTS: Commsrcial planned unit <br />3"13 X developments are ty�ically uses �hat provide�n.t, short-ter� �odgzng spaces, roozns, or <br />3732 paz�ce�s and their operations are essentially service-oriented. For example, hotel/motel <br />3733 accomrnodations, resorts, recrea�iorzal ve�icle and camping par�s, and a�er pritnarily <br />3"734 serviee-ori�nYed or nf�ice com�lex aetivitiies axe comz�zercial planned wnit developme�ts. <br />3735 C4MMERCIAL iJSE: Tl�e priilcipal use oi land or buildings for tl�e sa�e, lease, re�ial, ar <br />3736 tarade af producfs, goods, and services. <br />3737 COMMISSI4NER: The Catnt�issioner of the Department oiNatural Resources. <br />3738 CONDITIONAL USE: A"Iand use" or "develop�nent" as ciefined by Ciiy Code that �raay not <br />3739 be approprzate ge;nexal�y, �ut may be approved by the City Council wit� appropriate <br />3740 res�rictions as providec� by the City Code upon a finding �hat eertain conditions as detailed in <br />374I the Znnir�g Ordinance exi��, i�e use or develQp�ent can�o�s to the cpzz�prehensive land use <br />3742 plan of the community, and the use, through the impositzo� o�'canditzans, is co�patible with <br />3743 the existing nei�hborhoods. <br />3744 CONDITIONAL L1SE PERMIT: A pernnit speczally az�d i�dividual�y g�ar�ted in aceordanc� <br />3'7�45 cnrith this Code, by the City Ca�cil a�'ter review thereof by t�e Planni�g Ca�isszo� as a <br />3746 flexibilz�y device to enable the City Council to assign dimensions or conditions to a <br />3747 proposed �se, afte� consideration oit�e impacts on ar �unctiQns af adjacer�t and nearby <br />3748 pro�erties and tYze special pxob�e�as that �he prc�posec� use presents. <br />3749 DECK: A horizor�tal, unenclosed platforzr� with or witho�.f attac�ed rail�ngs, seats, trelIises, <br />37SQ or other features, attached or f�nctionally related io a principat us� or siie and at any poi�t <br />3751 extending more tk�an tk�z�ee �eet (3') abave ground. <br />3752 DOCK: A seasonal water-ariented accessary st��are or wal�Cway extended from the <br />�'7S3 ardinary high water le�e1 inta t�e bed of public waters �or access �o open water and <br />3754 a�ck�arage of water crafi. <br />3755 DUPLEX, TRI�'LEX AND QUAD: A dwelling structure an a single int, ha�ing two (2), <br />3756 tllree (3), and four (4) units, respectively, being attached by eomrr�.on wal�s and eac� unit <br />3757 equipped with separate sleeping, cooking, eating, livin�, and sanitation faciliiies. <br />3758 DWELL�NG S�TE: A designated lacation for r�sidential use by one or rr�ore persons using <br />3759 ternporary ar zxzovable sheltex, iz�c�uding caz�ping and recreatianal vehicle siies. <br />3760 DWELLING LTNTT: Any stz�ucture or portion o�a st�ructure, or ot�ex sl�elter designed as <br />375 � shart- or long-term livir�g quarters for one or nc�are persoz�s, including re�tal ox tizneshare <br />3752 accommodations srzch as k�otel, ar�ci resa:� �aoms and cabins. <br />3763 EXTRACTNE USE: The use of �a�d far suz�ace ar subsur�ace zeznoval �� sand, graveI, <br />3"764 rock, industrial minerals, other nanrnetallic nc�inerals, and peat not regulated �c�er <br />3765 �z�n�neso�a Statutes, sections 93.44 �0 93.51. <br />3766 GAZ�BO: A seasonal water-oriented accessory s�ruct�are used �s a detached nor�heated <br />3767 s�elter. Tt may have a roa£, floar, sc�'eert walls, bu� has no sewer or water service. <br />3768 GUEST COTTAGE: A structure used as a dwelling €�it that may contain sleepin� spaces <br />3769 and kztchens and batlnroom facili�ies in addition ta those provided in the primary dwelling <br />3770 unii on a lot. <br />3771 HAIiDSHIP: Th.e same as t�at terz�a is defi�ed in Mi�nesota Staiutes chapter 4b2 {for <br />118 <br />