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��78 ( �T018.07: MODIFICATI4N OF PLAN: <br />477'9 �-1n approvec� e�osion and sediz�aent control plan may be modified on submissiazz o� an application <br />4780 �or �madi�cation to the City and subsequent approval b� the City Engineer. In reviewing such <br />478I application, the City E�gi�eer may require additional reports and data. <br />4782 � �1018.{}8: ESCROW R�E��I�t.EMEN'�': <br />�753 After approval of an erosion at3d sedimen� control p1at�, �he City shail require the Permi��ee �o <br />�784 escxow a sum of mnney sufficient to e�su�re the in�tallation, corn�letior�, and ac�zazntenance of the <br />4785 e�rosio�a and sedimcr�t cnnirnl plan anc� practiees. Escrow amoun�s sha11 be set fron�a. tzzxae to time <br />4786 by the City CounciL Upon project comple�io�, the reznaining escrow �hall be returned �o tk�e <br />4787 Permittee. <br />4788 ��101�.09: EROS�4N AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PERM�T <br />4789 ENFORCENIEN'�: <br />4790 The Czty sl�all notify the Fermit�ee w�erz the Caty is going �o aet on the financial securiiies part of <br />�791 this ordir�arnce. <br />4792 A. Notification hy ihe City. Ti�e i�itia� contact wiIl be to a party or parties listed on the <br />4793 application andJor the storrri water pollutioz� cn�irol plan. Forty-eight (48) hours a�ter <br />4794 noti�catian by tl�e City or seventy-twa {72) hours afte�r the failure of erosion cnntrol <br />4795 measures, w�ichever is Ies�, t�e City, at its diseretian, z-nay begin carrective work. <br />4796 B. Erosion 4ff Szte. �£ e�asion breaehes the perirne�er c�f the site, the �'ez�nzttee shall <br />479'7 immeciia�ely dev�eIop a clea�up and restora�ion �tan, ob�ain th� right-af entry from the <br />4798 adjoining �ro�erty owner(s), and implement the clear�up ar�d restoration plan wit�in forty- <br />4799 eight (48} haurs of obtaining the adjoini�g praperty owner's permissior�. In no case, unless <br />9800 r�itten app�aval is received frQrn the City, sha11 more than seven (7} cale�dar days go hy <br />4801 without carrective actiQn being take�. I�, in the discretion of ihe City, ihe Pez-�iitee daes not <br />4802 re�ai;r ihe damage caused by the erosion, the City znay do th� remedial wor� required and <br />48Q3 ehaxge t�e cost to �he Permittee. <br />4804 C. Erosioz� i�to Streets, W�tlands or Water Bodies. If earoded sails (ine�udir�g tracked snils from <br />4805 construction activit�es} enter or appear likely �o enter stree�s, wetlands, o�r oiher r�vater bodies, <br />4$06 prevention strategies, cleanu� and repair must be imrnediate and entirely at the e��ense of <br />4807 t�e I'er�nittee. T�ie Permittee shali alsa �ay alI costs a�sociaied with traf�c eo�trol and <br />4808 fla�ging rec�uired ta protect tl�e traveling publ�c during the cleanup a�eratians. <br />4809 D. Fail�zre to Dp Correc�ive Work. When a Permittee fail� to conform to an� pravision af this <br />4&10 poliey wi�hin tl�e ti�ne stipulated, the Ciiy may take the foliow'rng actions: <br />4811 l. Wzihhold the scl�eduling o�' inspeetions and/or the issuance of a Ccrti�cate of <br />48 i 2 �ccupancy. <br />4813 2. Revoke a�y pez�nzt issue� by tl�e Ci�y in the Pe�tnittee for t�e s�te i� q�es�ian or any <br />481� o�her ofthe Permiti��'s sites within the Ci�y'� jurisdictian. <br />4815 3. Direct the correction of th.e de£'icie�ncy by Ciiy forces or by a separate contract. The <br />4816 issuance of a permit constituies a right-af entry for t�ie City or its contrac�nr to enter upon <br />4817 the co�stxuctio� site far the purpose o�' correcting deficiencies in erasion con�ro�. <br />4818 4. All costs incurred by the Ci�q in con-ec�ing erosion and ��dimenf control deficzencies shall <br />�45 <br />