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4753 <br />4"754 <br />4'�S5 <br />4756 <br />4757 <br />4'�5 S <br />4759 <br />47G0 <br />4761 <br />sedirnent control carr be provzded and maintained, and staged so t�at the area is not expo�ed <br />for long periods of tiz�ae w�thoui stabilization. <br />C. The locatinn nf areas not ta be disturbed rnus� be it�enfiified with flags, stakes, signs, silt <br />�ence, etc. �efore construction beg�ns. <br />D. Down-gradient sedirrient cn�trols rnust �� in place be�ore up-gradient �and c�is�urhing activity <br />begins. <br />E. Blaek zip tie� shall be used for lorzg-te�n silt fence ir�staliation. <br />F. All sto;rm draiz�s and inlets must be protected u�tzl all sources of pa�ential disc�arge are <br />stabilized. <br />47G2 G. Temporary stockpiles mus� have effec�ive sedirnent cantrol and can nat be placed in surface <br />4763 waters or storrn water conveyance sys�ems. <br />�76� H. Vehicle �racking from the site s�all be �ainimized with the use of stone pads, conerete or steel <br />4765 wash �acks, or equiva�ent systerns. <br />4�766 T. �tre�t sweepi�� musi be used ii �MPs are noi adeqc�ate to prevent sediment fram being <br />4757 tracked into the street. <br />4768 <br />4769 The Perznittee shaT� be �responsible for proper operatioza and maintez�ance o� all starmwater <br />4770 pollution controls and soil stabiliza�ion measures in can�ormance wi�h best z�a�aageznent <br />4771 practices and with t�e maintena�ce �equirements in the NPDES Ger�eral Cnnstruction �'ez�ait. <br />��'�2 Tk�� Permitiee is res�onsible for ihe operatzon a�d maintenance of �emporary erasian at the site. <br />4773 The �'ez�nnittee i� responsil�Ie ur�til anotl�er P��xaztiee has assix�ed contxol over all areas of the site <br />4774 tha� have �ot been finaily stabili�ed ar the site has undergone �'i�al stabiliza�az�, and has received <br />4775 ar� a�proved Certi�'icate €�� Completion. The Permittee is respo�sible for maintenance, clean-up <br />4776 and aI� damages causcd by flooding ofthe site oar surrou�di�g area due to ir�-place erosion or <br />4777 sediment contz�al. <br />144 <br />