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4854 <br />48SS <br />4856 <br />4857 <br />4858 <br />-�e���a��.�z: <br />Agreement <br />P�nhibitians and Nuisances: <br />'�1019. Z 3: <br />Prohibitions and Nuisanees <br />4859 � �10�.9.14: <br />4860 Rights o� Way Nuisance <br />486� � �9-�-�X0�9.15: <br />4862 Vehic�es <br />�ss� <br />48b4 <br />4865 <br />486b <br />-�-9�-�1019.16: <br />Requirement Applies <br />��o��.ol: Pu�osE: <br />Proo� of Parking <br />4ff Streei Parking <br />Obstruction o�' Public <br />Unat�ended Motor <br />Mos� Restriciiv� <br />4867 The purpos� of regulating parking and loading is to alleviate ox prevent cong�stion of the public <br />4868 and privat� right�of vvays to prorr�otC tl�e sa%ty and general welfare of the public. This ardinance <br />4869 is a cornprel�ensive seetion containing all parking regulations adapted by the City o� Rosevi�le, <br />4870 divided into the fallowing sections. <br />4871 <br />4872 ��10�9.42e APPL�CAT�OIV QF PAR.KING REQUIREMENTS: <br />4873 <br />4874 ��A. In order #o r�guiate parking <br />4875 a�d loading, the fallowing rninimum. requirernents have be�n establis�ed for vehicle par�i�g <br />487b a�ad loading in accordance with tk�e use of various parcels n£ �atad azad stz-�ctur�s. AlI uses <br />4877 existi�g on the ef�ecti�re date of the adQption and re-adoption of this cade shall �� required �o <br />4878 eo�za:piy as dete�zzaiz�ed by the Com�a��z'rty Developznent Direcipx with the z�iniznuzx� par�Cing <br />4879 req�:irements set forth be�ow. Whenever a chan�e of usage aceurs, the ner�v �use shall iully <br />4880 comply wiih the parking requirernents ineluding nurnber of spaces required by the new use. <br />4sS L��10I9.03: SITE PLAN DRAWING NECESSARY: <br />4882 ��:A. AIt applications for a <br />4883 building �ermit, in all distric�s, s�all include a site plan, drawn to scale and dirnensio�ed, <br />4584 which �z� part d�pzcts �he loeatzon of vehicle parkiz�g and laadi�g area� in compliance with �he <br />4885 following requirements. <br />4886 I �-8�51019.44: GENERAL PR.QVISIONS: <br />4887 A. An Automobile Parking Space is defined as a hard surfaced and �ermanently maintained <br />4888 area, e�ther within or ou�side nf a buildzng;, o�sufficietzt size to store p�e automobi�e as <br />�889 specified in this Cod�. <br />1�7 <br />