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�s9a <br />4891 <br />�892 <br />4893 <br />4894 <br />4895 <br />489b <br />4897 <br />4898 <br />4899 <br />494Q <br />�901 <br />4902 <br />�903 <br />a��a� <br />4�905 <br />4906 <br />4907 <br />49Q8 <br />4909 <br />4910 <br />�911 <br />�3�2 <br />4913 <br />4914 <br />4915 <br />4916 <br />4917 <br />4918 <br />49�9 <br />4920 <br />4921 <br />4922 <br />�923 <br />4924 <br />4925 <br />492fi <br />4927 <br />4928 <br />4929 <br />4930 <br />4931 <br />4932 <br />4933 <br />4�934 <br />�935 <br />Space <br />�o;r a <br />szngle <br />vehiele <br />shall <br />be <br />nine <br />feet by <br />An�le o�' Stali Wid�h Stall Depth to Traf�'ic F1ow Driv� La�e <br />Parking Curb Direction Width <br />�5 degrees 9 feet 22 feet One Way 14 feet <br />&0 clegrees 9 feet 21 fe�t One Way 1 b feet <br />7S degarees 9 feet 21 £eet C)�e Way � 8�eet <br />90 deg�ees 9 feet i 8£eet Two Way 24 feet <br />eightee <br />n�eet (9' x 1 S' for 90 degree par�ing) or Iarger provided that up to �'ifty percent (50%) of �he <br />required spaces zx�ay be z�at less t�a� eight £eet by ei�;�tee� £eet {S' x 1$'} whe�z posted <br />"Compac� Vehic�es Only:'. Aisles shall be provid�d far iz�gar�ss and egress and s�ail be a <br />minimurr� aftwenty four feei (24') in widt� (for 9� degree pari�irig). (10�4.OID)(1007.O1F1) <br />�:8. Ge�eara� Density <br />Requirements, Exceptions And Credii�: <br />1. The total rninirnurn lnt requirements for structur�s housing thre� (3) or mnre dvvelling <br />units in any R District may be reducecl by one hundred (I00) square feet per dwelling �nit if <br />the property in�olved is eqntiguous to a B ox an I District. (IfiO4.018) <br />2. The total z�inz�zu� lot area requi�ez�ne�ts f€�� �txuctures housing three (3) or �o�re <br />d�welling units in any R I3istrict tnay be decreased by three hundr�d {300) sq�are feet for <br />each par�ing space t�at zs �rovided under the principal use st�ructure a�, in same other <br />manner, uz�dergaraund whic� allows use o� ihe grade leve� above suc� space �'or ot�er <br />�arking, yard or recreation space. (1044.01�) <br />�C. General Lighting <br />Reg�lations: Any illumination, wi�ether �ifixed to a building or otherwise, �vitl�in a lofi ir� <br />any R District shall not be permitted to beam beyond the lot lines wherein it is Iacated. <br />�zoo4.o��� <br />�:D. Surfacing Parking Areas <br />1. 4�� street parlting areas shall be surfaced wiih asphall or cancrete and with permanent <br />concrete curbs to define dri�eways and parking limits. (1005.O1D3a) <br />2. I�ew parking lot s�rfacing shal� be a min'rm�n af two inches (2") of b'rtuminous <br />pav�m�nt. (1D04.DID) (1005.OID3bJ <br />3. Cancrete c�rb and proper setbacks will be requireci i£the pa�r�i�g lat xs re-g�aded or <br />recon.stzucted wiih a one inch (1") lift ar greater of laitunra.izaaus pavear�ae�t. (�oos.olD3c} <br />4. No concrete c�rb wiil be req�ired iz� t�e follawing instances: <br />a. Parking lot seal coated ar surface treated; and <br />6. Minar �atcl�xz�g a�r sur£ace repaix (avez�lay less than 2S%). �loos.oafl.�d�, <br />S. For a�l zzew co�staruc#ioz� an all �otai�g districts, site plaz� revievv as describec� i� Sectzon. <br />-� 9� 91011.16, is required and z�o construction shall occur without such review ar�d approval. <br />(1 DOS. 01 D3e% <br />6. �ite ptan review as described in Sec#ion �9�-91011.16 sha11 be requir�d for all repairs, <br />remadeling and additions if the construc�ion involved increas�s the overall size qi �he <br />paz��ir�g lat lay ten percent {10%} o� in t�e event that the constz�uctaon inez�eases the assessar's <br />rnarkei va�ue by over twenty percent (20%). (IOOS.OI z)3,� <br />7. Al� construetion which repairs or rernodels or alters a parking iot between ten percent <br />148 <br />