396 their vehicles. {4�d. 1286, Q8-04-2003)
<br />397 RESTAURANT, CLA�S VZ - TAKE OUT AND DEL�V�RY: �n e�tabizs�nent which by
<br />398 design of pi�ysical �'acilities, services, or packa�ing pracedures, permits ar encourages t�ae
<br />399 puarchase of prepared ready-to-eai �oods tQ be either pzc�ed-up or de�ivered far off �reznises
<br />44� cansunn�tio�. (Ord, 128b, OS-04-2003}
<br />401 SETBACK: The minirr�um horizontal dis�anc� be�weer� a structure ar�d lot line, ordinary �igk�-
<br />402 �vater �ark, pond, or othex struciure, oz rigk�t--a£ way ease�ent. Distaz�ces are ta be zaraea��zred
<br />4�3 firam t�e z-nost ouiwa�rdly exte�ded port�on of t�e sta�cture wall at ground Ieve1, except as
<br />40� provided hereina�ter. {Ord. 128b, 08-04-2003}
<br />4D5 S�-IOPP�G CE�TER�: A grau�p o£�'o��r (4) ar more caz�tiguous units combi�aed in a siz��;le,
<br />40f a�rchitecturaXly c�n.i�'iec� buildin�, contaiz�ing at lea�t farty thousand (40,000} sq�are �eet of
<br />407 co�nrnercial gross area, located on a single site, along with on-site parking which zs provided in
<br />408 direct relatianshz� to the types and sizes of t�e siores contair�ed wit�zn the buildi�g. (Ord. 958, 7-
<br />409 23-84), (Oz�d. 1286, OS-(}4-2003)
<br />410 STAND, ROADSkDE: A ternporary structure for the display and sale o�produets with no space
<br />411 fo�' custo�zaers witlain the strtzcture i�sel£, (Ord.. 275, 5-12-59} {Ord. 128b, 08�-04-2003}
<br />412 STORY: That portian of a building i�cluded between 1he upper surface o� any flaor and t�e
<br />413 upper surface o�the floor nex� above, exee�t t�at the tapz�ost stoz-y sha11 be that por�iozz af a
<br />414 buildir�g ancl�ded between the upper s�r�ace of �he topmo�t floor and 1h� ceiiing or roof above. If
<br />415 �he fir�ished flnQr level direetly abave a basernent or unused under floor space is rnore than six
<br />416 feet (6') above grade, as de�"ined herei� for nc�ore than fifty perce�t {SO%) nf the to�ai perimeter ar
<br />��7 is naore than twel�ve feet (12'} abave grade as defi�ed herein at any poirzt, suc� baseznent flr
<br />418 unused. under floor space shalI be considered as a slory. (Ord. 1286, 08-44-2003}
<br />419 STORY, �"IRST: The first stnry is t�e lowest stary in a b�zilding which quaiifics as a"story" as
<br />420 de�ned herein, except t�at a floox �evel iza a building having o�ly one floor level shal� be
<br />421. classi�'ied as a first story, pravided such floor 1eve1 is not �nore tl�an %ur �eet (�') below grade for
<br />422 more than iifty percent (50%) oi the total peri�eier or �noz-e than �ight �eet (8'} below garade at
<br />423 any point. (4xd. 275, 5-12-59; az�d. 1990 Cade) {Oard. �28fi, 0&04-20a3}
<br />424 STREET: A p�blic ri�ht-of-�ray for ve�Zicular tra��'ic, whet�er designa.t�d as a highway,
<br />42S thorou�hfare, arterial, �arkway, callector, through way, roac�, avenue, boulevard, lane, piace,
<br />426 drive, court or otherwise designatec�, which has been dedicat�d or deed�d to the public for public
<br />427 �se and w�ich a�ords pari�acipal rneans of access to abuttzz�g property. (Ord. 1286, 08-04-ZOQ3j
<br />428 ,STRIJCTURAL ALTERAT�QN: Any c�az�ge, othex than ir�cidezatal repaixs, in the supporti�g
<br />429 znembers of a bu�lding or struciure such as bearing walls or partitions, col�mns, beams ar �irders
<br />430 or any �ubs�antial change in the roof or ex��rior walls.
<br />431 STRUCTURE: Anytkzing w�ich z� built, caz�structed or erected; an edifice a� building of any
<br />432 kind; o�r any piece of wark a.rtifcia�ly bui�t up anc�/or composea oiparts joined �ogether in some
<br />433 de�nite manner whether teznparary Qr permanent in character. {Orc�. �286, OS-04-2003)
<br />434 TWENTY �OUR H4UR USES: Any coam�aerciai use tk�at is regu�arXy ope� �'or buszz�ess or
<br />43S involves o�her sig�zz�icanfi, outdoor activity during any hour bet�ee� te� o'clock (�0:00) P.M. and
<br />436 seven o`elock (7:00) A.M. (Ord. I234, I 2-15-1999, efi: 1-1-2000}
<br />437 USE, INTERIM: A tezxaporary use o£praperty u�til a paz'tzcular date ax until the accu�e�ce o£ a
<br />438 particular event as deterinined by 1he city council. (Qrd. 1086, �-�4-199�j
<br />439 VETERTNARY CLINIC: A veterinary care facility for s�nall anirnal diagnosiie and surgical
<br />440 pro��dures, owned and managec� by an on-site state of Minnesota Iicensed ve�erinarian. A
<br />441 ve�er'rnary clinic shali not mean kenzae�s %r nar�ai lodging or training of anirnals. (Ord. � 178, 4�-
<br />IO
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