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8/26/2009 2:57:00 PM
Roseville City Council
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350 dzstxicts or a�izozas tl�ereof and that im ases additional re uire�nents or relaxes one 1 or �aaore <br />3S1 s�aj��ards re uired b the rirnar zor�irz distriet. �rd. XXXXX XX-XX-XXXX <br />352 PARKING SP�1C�: A, nonperzaaeable s�rface Iocat�d in a pezx�aaxer�tly �naintai�ed area, either <br />353 wit�in or outside of a building, of sui�cient size to s�ore one autQmobile. (Ord. 878, 3-23-81; <br />354 amd. 1995 Co€�e} (Ord. �2$6, QS-04�-20fl3) <br />355 PARKING STRUCTURE: A non-occ�piable accessory struetuz�e used to �ark vehicles in <br />355 z�uliiple �tories and which is not con�idered a part of the building cnvera�e of �he site. (4rd. <br />3S7 1286, 08-Q4-2003} <br />358 �'LANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD): S�e C�apter 1008. <br />359 PR�NCIPAL STRUCTURE: The main st�.zcture for that use to which the pre�ises are devated <br />36Q and principal purposes �'or which the premises exist. (Ord. 1286, 08-04-2003} <br />361 RECREAT�ONAL V�HICLE: Any praperiy and curr�ntly �icensed vehieular, portahle �tructure <br />362 wh�eh is (a) bui�t a� a ci�assis, designed ta be used as a�emporary dwelling for travel, <br />363 rec.reatiaz�a� and vacatiarz uses; {b) any strucl�re c�es�gn�c� ta be rno�ni�d o� a truck c�assis for <br />364 use as a temporary dwelling far travel, r�creation ancl vacatio�; {c) any portable, tempnra�y <br />365 dwelling to be usec� �'or travel, recreation and �acation, constructed as an integral part of a s�lf <br />3b6 prnpelled vehicle; an.d (d) any folcii�g st�ctu�re, maunted on wheels and designed %r travel, <br />367 recareation az�d vacation use. (Orci. 1286, 0&�4-2003} <br />368 RESIDENTIAL SOUTIQUE SALE: The �ale n� har�derafted ite�ns conduct�d on residentia� <br />369 premises, where the items sold are �ac�e by tlae occupant of t%e premises at w�ich the saIe takes <br />370 place, or by friends o� suc� occupant, and w�ere the sale is co�ducted by saze� occupan� or <br />37 � �'riends o� such occup�nt and not by ar� agent or ar�y atl�er persoz� to whom a commission, £ee or <br />372 �alary �s paid. �terns for �ale shall be �ade in th� k�oz�ns and no� purcl�ased far resale fram any <br />373 r�tail ar wholesale business souz�ce nc�r r�ceived on consignment for t�e puzpose of resale. (Ord. <br />374 1146, 5-22-1994) (Ord. �287, 8�4-2003} <br />375 RESTAURANT, CLASS Y— TRADITIUNAL: An establ�shment where custn�ers are served <br />376 th�ir fobd i� or oa� �az�-disposable dishes ta be consumed prin�arily whzle se�fed at tables or <br />377 baoths within a buildzng and which does not serve 1ic�uor. Taraditia�a� restaurants may also be a <br />378 cafe, ea�eteria or buifet, coffee shop, a�d/or deli. Drive-tl�'ou�h facilities ar� not allawed. (Ord. <br />379 1286, 08-04-2003) <br />3S0 RESTAURANT, CL�-1,SS �T — FAST �'OQD CONVENIENCE: An establishment where <br />38l c�stoz�ers are served t�eir food from a counter or in a�notor vel�icle, in dis�aosabl� packa�es <br />382 prepared to �eave the premises or ta be taken to a table or bpoth �t�x cflz�sumptaqn on the <br />383 pr�mises. Fas� Food Convenience can be a cafe, co£fee skzop, and/or deli. Fast Food <br />384 Convenience can i�clude drive-th�raugl� facilities. {Ord. 128fi, OS-04-2003} <br />385 RESTAURANT, CLASS �ZZ — TRADITIONAL WITH/1NTOX�CAT�NG/N4N- <br />386 INTOXICATTNG (3.2 BEER, W�NE AND/OR STRONG BEER): An establishment w�ere <br />3$7 eustomers are sezved thcir food in or an non-disposable dishes to be consuzned priinarily while <br />388 seated ax tables o� baoths witlain a buildaz�g and which �ias a licez�se ta serve on�y beer and wine. <br />389 RESTAURA.NT, CL�1SS IV — TRADITYONAL WITHJON-SALE LrQUOR SERVICE (FULL <br />390 SERVICE BAR): A�a estahlishz�ae�t where custozners are served their faod in or on noza- <br />391 dzsposable dis�aes witlain a bui�dzng �hat is liee�sed to serve on-sale liquor which are consurried <br />392 on t�e premises. This ty�e o� restaurant may offer as an accessory use take-out and/or deli <br />393 fac�lities, live entertair�ment or daaa.cin�;. (Ord. 128b, QS-04-2003) <br />394 R.�STAURANT, CLASS V— DRXVE-�N: Az� esta�lishrnent that se�rves £oad in o� az-� either <br />395 d�sposable az' non-dispasa�ble dishes where customers p�zzaaz•z�y oz�der and constrme food within <br />0 <br />
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