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S�bS <br />5166 <br />5167 � <br />5168 <br />5169 <br />SI7Q <br />5171 <br />5172 <br />5173 <br />5I74 <br />S 1.75 <br />5176 <br />5177 <br />5178 � <br />5179 <br />�18Q � <br />5181 <br />5182 <br />5183 <br />5184 <br />5185 � <br />5186 <br />5187 <br />5188 <br />5189 <br />5190 <br />5�91 <br />5192 <br />5193 <br />5194 <br />S19S <br />5196 <br />5197 <br />5�98 <br />5199 <br />5200 <br />S2QZ <br />5202 <br />5203 <br />5204 <br />5205 <br />5206 <br />5207 <br />5208 <br />5209 <br />5210 <br />5211 <br />� <br />D. <br />� <br />E. <br />than occupied �y building and/ar hardstand (parking areas and driveways) shall be <br />landscapec� with sod andlor mulch and/or rock ma�earial in plantin� heds whexe <br />appropriate. (�-9�-91 aT 1.oS) (�i1011.19) <br />2. Parking iots af ffty (SO) or more spaees a�re requ�red ta have one hundreci fifty {1 SO) <br />square feet of lar�dscaped islands per twer�ty-£'iv� (25) par�Cing spaces. Ozae overstoxy or <br />evergreen tree is rec�uired for every ane h�ndred fifty (1 SO) square f�et af interior <br />la�adscaped area. The rr�inim�m widt� of landsca�e islands is six �eet (6') ar�d the <br />minimurn area is one �undred �fty {1SO) square feet. <br />3. The mi�i�urn nu�ber of ovexstory trees a� any given sit� s�ia11 be o�e oversio�y �ree per <br />fi£ty �eet (50') ��'parking lot iror�tage plus �rees requaxed fpr parkzz�g lofi islands. Other <br />understor� trees, shrubs, flowers az�d ground covers deemed appropriate for a camptete <br />quality landscap� trea�ment a£ ihe site shall be incTuded in addition �o the required <br />z�ai�inaum of overstory trees.) Berming used to �rovide required screeni�g o�parki�g lots <br />and other open areas shali have a maximum slope ratio o� three io ane {3:1 }. (�91011.1�) <br />4. �'rant Yard Setbaeks: Front yard setbacks sl�all �ave a screen that is ei�hty percent {80%) <br />opaque arad a hei�ht of two azad o�e-na�f feet (2 1/2'). The scree� may b�: (�810.�1.14�'3) <br />a. Plani �a�eria�s; <br />b. Wood, eoz�crete, masonry ar orna�ental iron; aar <br />c. A corr�bination of t�.esa materials. <br />5. I'lant Size: Pla�at size require�rzents far landsca�ing areas shall be as fol�aws: <br />1�8�1011.14E4) <br />a. Decaduous t�rees shall be at leas� two and ane-half inck�es {2 1/2"} in dia�eter <br />as measu�red four feet {4') frarn �he base a� the ti�e of pianti�g. <br />b. Ornamental trees sk�all be a zninimum o£ two and one-�a1f inches (2 1/2") in <br />dia�aeter as measured �ou� feet (�') frorn the base <br />c. Evergreen �rees ir��st �ave a mininnum height o£ six �eet (b'). <br />d. Evergreen shrub� used for sc�e�zling pu�poses shall be �t least thre� feet (3'} in I�eighi <br />at planti�g. Evexgreen shrubs wi11 have a minim�.un spread of twenty-four inches (24"). <br />e. Potted shrubs sha�1 be in a five (5) gailon po� �r larger. , <br />6. Areas Other T�a� B�ilding And/Or Haardstand: All a�reas of Iand other than that occupied <br />by buiIding and/or hardstar�d (pa�r�in:g a�eas and drivewa�s) s�iall be latidscaped �vith sad <br />andlor mulch and/or xock znatexia� in pIanting beds where appropriate. (�A-�et0.�,�.14�'s) <br />All off street par�zng areas containin� �nore than si� {6) par�ing spaces cc�nt�guaus to <br />reszden�ial az�eas sl�ali he screened wiih �encing or landscaping to create an all-seasons <br />screen, eighty percent (SO%) opaque, to a hezgh� of five feet (5'}. (�IQa1.oQ} <br />Par�Cing and �ite lighting fixt�ares shall be a£ a dowzacast, cutaFf type, concea�in� the light <br />sa�rce from view artd pzeventing g�are at�d spzllzzzg into resit�e�ztial areas. Lighting leve�s at <br />contiguous residezatial prapez�ty 1'z�es shall not exceed one-half (1/2) foot-eandie. Energy <br />efficient iigt�ting systems s�ali be employed £or all exterior iigh�ing. Miniznum liglzting <br />levels foar cavered and open �arkin� faciiities shall be as follaws: (�g-�91o1�.1z) <br />1. Covered Parking Facilities {Day}:* <br />General parking & 5 foo�-cat�dles <br />pedestrian areas <br />Rar�xaps/coz�ers 10 foot-ca�idles <br />Entrances/exi�s 50 foot-candles <br />Stairwel�s <br />2. Covered Par�ing Facilifiies (Night}:* <br />1S4 <br />2Q faot-candles <br />