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5120 Mas�er Plazz, (100 �. 01 dl) <br />5�21 2. Shrubs, (�oo�.Qrd2� <br />5���, �. �3�r1�1s, (1007.�Ic13) <br />5123 <br />szz4 <br />SI2S <br />5126 <br />5127 <br />5128 <br />5129 <br />5130 <br />5131 <br />5132 <br />5�33 <br />5134 <br />4. Masonry walls or otl�er architectural inaprnvements (na setback vaariance requi�red), <br />�roo�.o�a�� <br />5. �unken �arking Iofi elevations. <br />A�y carnbination of suiasection J1 tkxrou�h 34 (above), shall provzde a mit���raum <br />permanent year-round height of tl�ir�y six inches (36"} �rom the highes� poini: o£the <br />par�ing lo� curb, co�s�s�ing of eighty percent {8Q%) opaque scraening of t�e parked <br />vehicles as seen �rom the public rigl�t af way. If deeiduous maierial is used, ihe berm <br />sha11 be higher and require �ess in t�Ze az�o�znt Qf vegetatxnn. Where lazzc�scape rnateria�s <br />axe prropnsed, they s�all be of suc� type az�d size tp mee�: the �eig�t and opaczty <br />�equirenaents within thirty-six (3C) months or less after installation. Traffic visibility <br />sha11 nat be i�npeded by fencin�, structures, plantings ar berms vvithi� �orTy feei: (4Q'} of <br />an ir�tersection ar driveway. (1007.01d5) <br />5� 35 '-�-�K. In a11 industrial districts <br />S 136 parking oi �ehicles and a�en storage shall be �ermitted no closer than forty �cet {40'} ta a <br />5137 side yard line adjoining a z-esidentiai distr�ct. All side yard ar�a not utili�ed for paz��Cing or <br />5138 oper� starage shall be landscaped. Screen'rng pravided along the in�erior side lot line s�all be <br />S l 39 set bacl� a minimum of twenty feet (20') from any public rigl�t-of-way line. Parking shali be <br />S 140 permitted no closer than �Fve feet (5'} to a side yard line adjoining nonresidential districts, <br />S 141 ��cept where joint parkin� bet�vee� twa {2) adjacent propez�zes is provided, wherein no <br />5142 parking setback is required. (1007.01�ze) <br />S 14�3 �-�L. In al1 industri�l disiric�s <br />S 144 �arking of vehicles shail be permitteci na closer than forty fe�t (40') to the rear lat line of <br />5145 adjaining residential d'zstaricts and shall he sc�eened �z�o� view fro�a adjacent residential <br />514b areas. T�e %�ty-foat (40'} stzip adjacent to th�e reax lot lir�e si�all b� �andscaped. Parking of <br />S l 47 ve�icles shal� be per�nitted no closer than �ive feet {5'} to rear 1ot lines adjoining <br />5148 nonresidential districts. (�007,o1�t3�) <br />5149 I�1019.07e PARKSNG: LANDSCAP� REQIT�REMF�NTSa <br />5150 A. Suffer Zone Between Business and Residence Dzstrict: Where a buszness district abuts a <br />S 151 reszde�ce disiarict; any new development s�a�� include a bu�'fer zone. There shall be a <br />S�S2 protec�ive st�rip of nQ� iess than ten feet (10') in widih. This protective s�rip shall contazr� �o <br />5153 struc�ures, shall not b� used for parki�g, o�� s�ree�: laadi�g or storage az�d shail be <br />5154 lanclscaped. The landscape trea�-nent shali include a corr�pacfi sereen wall or �enee but sha11 <br />S� SS not exte�d wifhin fifteen feef { I S`) of the s�r�e� rig�it of way. i'he planting or fer�ce deszg� <br />5156 must be approved by the Ciiy Counci� as being in har�any with a ar�sidential neig�boxhood <br />515'1 and provzding suf�c�ent scree�aing oft the commercial area. T�;e hedge or fence shall be no <br />S l. S8 less thari si� (b) nor more than six and one�half feet (6 1/2'j in height. (1005.011) <br />515g $. In industrial districts a11 yard space between �he building seiback and the street right-of way <br />5160 ' tine r�ot utilized for p�-king of vehic�es sha�l be �andscaped wifih �rass, trees arzd Qt�er <br />516I landsca�e £eatures as may be apparapxiate. <br />5162 C. Landseaping i� �'ar�Cing Area: <br />S� 63 1. Five percent (5 %) of tize suriace area of the land within a parking area shall be laz�dsea�aed <br />51 b4 with grass, shrubbexy, trees andlor oiher approved ground cover. All areas o�' land other <br />1S3 <br />