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Industria] uses 2 spaces per 3 employees or I space per 1,�Q0 s.F., <br />whichever is �reater <br />Industrial Warehousing 1 space per 2,U�€� s.f. of gross iloor area <br />Library 4.1 spaces per 1,000 s.f. ai gross floor area ...Or... I space per 3 seats <br />Medacal/Dental Clinic 3 empinyee spaces and S spaces per 1,000 s.f of <br />gross floor area <br />Museum 4. i spaces per 1,000 s.f. af �ross f�oor area ...Or... 1 space per 3 seats <br />Motel/�-�otet 1 space per unat and i e�nployee s�ace per IO units <br />N€�rsing Homes 1 space �er � beds <br />Of�ce BuiIding 5 spaces per I,OOQ s.f. pf�'oss leasable floor area <br />Public Asse�bly Spaces 4.1 apaces per 1,000 s.f. ofgcoss �loor area ...Or... 1 space per 3 seats <br />Residential — Multi-Fa�ily 2 spaces per dwellin� unit; 1�nust he enclased <br />Residentaal — Sin�le Family in non 2 spaces per drveEling unit; 1 must be enclosed <br />"R-1" districts <br />Residential � Singie Family in "R-1" 2 spaces per dwellang ur�it <br />Residential — Senior (55 yrs+) 1 space per unat enclosed & 0.3 visitor spaces / uni� <br />Restauran€ or Cafeteria i space per 2.S seats; and 1 space per 20 s.f. a�er €he 1 space per S seats <br />first 25� s.f, a�bar/lo�nge area; and 1 space per 5(} o�'outdoor dining <br />a.f. banquet area <br />Retail Sales 5 spaces per 1,040 s.f. of gross leasable �loor area <br />Schpols -- High School or Colle�e 1 space per classroom and 1 space per 3 students <br />based on building capacity <br />Schools — K thru 6 ar�d 7 thru 9 1 space per 7 studenis based an building capacity <br />Shopping Center — Co�nmunity S spaces per 1,404 s.f. of gross leasable floor area <br />Shopping Center -- Neighborl�aod S spaces per 1,000 s.% of gross leasable flaar area <br />Shappin� Center - Regional 5 spac�s per 1,000 s.f. of grass leasable �oor area <br />Superrr�arket 5 spaces per 1,440 s.f. of gross Ieasable ffoor area <br />Theaters I space per 3 seats <br />5227 B. <br />5228 <br />5229 <br />s��a c. <br />5231 <br />5232 <br />5233 <br />5234 D <br />W�ere land uses are proposed that axe no� specifically listect above be�are any �ermits shali <br />be issuecl relati�g �o sucl� use, the City Council shall estab�is� a reaso�able number a� of� <br />s�reet parking spaces £oz� such use. (�ODS.01D2q) <br />�rac�iorial Spaces: When applieatiaz� a£the regulations for determinin� requir�d aff-street <br />par�ing spaces results in a requirenaent af a£ractzonal spaee, an� fraetion u� to anc� ine��ding <br />one-ha�£ (�/2} shall be disregarded ar�d fractions over o�a-hal� (�/2) as one additinnal parking <br />space. (IOOS.orE2�} <br />Haliways, restroorr�s, stairwells, eznployse lunch and rest areas, loading areas and similaar <br />I56 <br />