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5235 spaces rnay be exciuded from ti�� gross leasahle floor area for calculatipz� o£ r�quired �arking <br />5236 spaces �p to a�axz�uzn ai 15% oi the gro�s leasable floor area of the buildin�. <br />5237 � �1019.09: RESTR�C'TED AND ACCE�S�BLEIHAND�CAPPED <br />5238 PAI��KING: <br />5239 ��A. Aecessibili�y: Pro�isions fQr accessible facilities s�a�l be provided as required by Federal <br />52�0 and Staie law aza� ahall be included in such fioor plans azad szte pla�s as submiited �or site <br />5241 plan review �o e�sure t�e pzpvision of convenient and �ractical �se of a1� exterior and <br />52�2 ( in�erior facilities far hancticapped persons. (�to�r.13) <br />5243 4B. No person sl�all parlc a mator vehzcle i� a parking space designated ar�d reserved for the <br />5244 physzcally handicapped, on ei�her private or public praperty, �nless' (d02.OSA) <br />52�5 1. T�at pearsoz� �s pl�ysically handicapped in a mannear renderz�g ii c�i£�cuit and burdensome <br />5246 �or such pe rso� to waik or such persnn was a�erating the vehicle under the direction a� <br />5247 s�ch a�hysically handicapped person; and (60z.05� 1) <br />5248 2. Tkze ve�icle vxsibly bears or contarns the certi�cate or iz�sig�ia isst�ed to ph�sically <br />5249 handicapped persoz�s by the Mir�n��ota Department of Public Safety purs�ant to <br />5250 Mir�nesata Statu�e sectio� 169.345, subdivision 2. (�o2.osA2} <br />S2S � 3. Ncatice of Designation: Notice of such deszgnation of accessible/f�andicapped parki��; <br />5252 spaees shalI be given by the posting af signs designated in accordar�ce with the <br />5253 require�ez�ts of the IVlanual of �he Co�ission�:r of Pul�lic Sa£e�y on CJ�iform Traffic <br />5254 Control Devices and the Ioca�ion, number and rriethod of sig�iz�� af s�ch spaces is first <br />S2SS approved by �he ChiefofPolice. {Ord. 7$1, 5-10��6) (602.058) <br />5256 C. Parkin.g on baulevard prohibited: No ve�iicle sha�l be paz�ked on any l�aulevard adjacent to a <br />5257 public street excepfi: (602.06) <br />5258 1. Boulevard parking spaces listed on the inven�ory o�boule�ard parki�g s�aces zegularly in <br />525� use, dated 3une 30, 1984, prepared by the Code En%rcement Of�cer, a copy of whick� zs <br />5260 zncorporated herein i�y re�er�nce and whzck� is o�n £'i�e in the of�ce oFthe Ci�y Manager, <br />5261 z�aay cantiz�ue to be used until one of the follow�ng occuars: {602.06�t) <br />5262 2. Roadway aznprave�rten�s involving disturbance of or reamoval of t�e boulevard parking <br />52�3 area is undertaken; ax (6o2.D6A1) <br />5264 3. Substanfiial i�npro�rements to the lot locaied adjace�t to t�e bau�evard parking area is <br />5265 undertaken, suc� expansio� or consir�ction of house, gaxage or dariveway. (bO2.Ob�42) <br />52b6 4. Where a variance �rana �k�e �arovisions of this Section is gran�ed pursuant ip the varianee <br />5267 � proeeduxe of subsectioz� -�-8�-� l 0� 4 of tk�� City Code, based upon cri�eria es�ablished by <br />5268 the City Manage�. (�02. 06�) <br />5269 D. �ire La�es: <br />5270 I. Designatio� a� Lanes: When �he Fire Ghief deternr�i�.e� that it is �ecessary for fire sa�ety <br />5271 purposes to �stablisk� areas of aecess %r fireiighting equipmeni, t�Ze Fiz�e Chief (or <br />5272 designee) shall de�ignate fire lanes alon� �he curb of p�blxc arad p;rivate roadways <br />5273 adjacent to build�ngs and wit%ir� th� par�Cing lots of publ'zc anci private pxoperty. Within <br />5274 thirty (30) days of �otifcation of suci� d�signation, in writing, by the Fire C�ie� (or <br />S27S de�ignee), the Qwner of t�e �raperty adjacent to such fre lanes shall, at the property <br />5276 awner's �xpense: (602.07A) <br />5277 a. Pasi and maintain signs approved by �h� �ire Chie£ (ar des�gnee) reading, in subs�anc�, <br />5278 "NO PARK�NG -�IRE LANE". Such signs sha11 be post�d at eac� end o�'�he fre lane <br />52'�9 and at least at every one hundred foot (100') interval wi#hin the fire lane. {602.07�1) <br />157 <br />