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5458 <br />S4S3 <br />5460 <br />5461 <br />5462 <br />5463 <br />5464 <br />54b5 <br />54b5 <br />5467 <br />5468 <br />5469 <br />5474 <br />5471 <br />5472 <br />5473 <br />5474 <br />S47S <br />5476 <br />S4 77 <br />54i8 <br />54�79 <br />5480 <br />5481 <br />5482 <br />2. <br />4. <br />5. <br />b. <br />No persoia shall operate a z�otar vehiele at a spe�d greater that� is safe and reasnnable <br />�der t�e eond'ztions o�then existing trafiic and 'zn nn e�re�t exceed a speed of fiftee� (l5) <br />nailes per hour. (d02.10I3) <br />3. Vehic�e� �arkrng on such lats <br />shall conform to any stalls or pasitions for parkizag designated on t�e swr�ace oithe <br />parking area. (60.2.IOC) <br />No vehicl� sha11 be parked or allowed tn staz�d iz� any area a�'sucla parki�g �at whic� has <br />been c3esignated or is usec� for a lan� far maving traf�c so as io interfere with �he <br />z�lovel�aeni o�traf£�zC. (d02.1D�) <br />No zz�ator vehzcle shall be parked or allnwed ta s�ar�d in such a lot at a c�rb w�ich is <br />painted yellow. (602.IOE) <br />No motoa- vehicle sk�all be parked or allowed to stand in suc� a lot in froni of any <br />entraz�ce to a��y business ppen to pub�ic patranage. (602.IOFj <br />�-8��31419.15: U�ATTEN]DED M4T4R VEHICLES: <br />l� <br />: <br />C. <br />5483 <br />5484 <br />S4$5 D <br />5486 <br />Man�er of Parl�ing: Any vehicTe par�Ced at any tzzne on any straet in any part of t�e City <br />shaI1 be par�ed with the righfi-hand s�de parallel ta the cur� or �d�;e �a�'the st�eet and �iot <br />�are t�iazz o�e foai (1 `) �'rQm ik�e curb or edge of the street leavin� at least four feet (4'} <br />betweez� parked vehicles excepi wh�re marks or si�ns on the; streeis indieate ihat cars shall <br />be parlced at an angle. (6d2. o��) <br />Do�zble Parking; Vehi��es shall not s�axid tv�o (2) or �nore abreast in any streei: except �n the <br />case of comr�ercial vehic�es vvhe� calling �or or delzverx�g parcels or rr�erck�andise sueh <br />co�mmercial vehicle znay doubXe park fo� the Iength o� time absolutely and reasonably <br />nec�ssary to load or ur�load when access tn the cur� is bloeked by otl�err v�hicl�s at the place <br />oi delivery. (602.048) <br />Tiame Limitations: �a t�.�ck wit� a capacity of ovex two (2} tons sha1l be parked on azzy <br />street fax more than ninety (90) rninutes or for th� time necessary #o load ar unload such <br />trucl�. �60�.1 oc� <br />Par�Cang on Private Property: No vel�icle sha11 be parked or �eft standing u�on the private <br />prop�rty of ar�y persc�r� witho�t the consezzt o�t�e �roperty owz�er. (Qrd. 270, 1-27-58) <br />5487 �1019.16: MOST RESTRICT�VE R�QUIREMENT APPLZES: <br />5488 I£ this Secizon (-�9-1-�� 019} imposes a requirement different frorr� oiher sections of the city code, <br />5�89 the more restricttve seciion shall appiy. <br />5490 �(�rd. 1288, Adding Chapter-l-9�-�-X019, Adapted 5-4-2003) <br />162 <br />