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5�12 <br />54l 3 <br />5414 <br />54�5 <br />5416 <br />5417 <br />54�8 <br />5419 <br />5420 <br />54�2I <br />�azz <br />5423 <br />5424 <br />5425 <br />5426 <br />5�27 <br />5428 <br />5429 <br />5430 <br />5431 <br />5432 <br />5433 <br />or utili�y re�air, construction or �ai�tenance activities after rea�onable notic� of t�e <br />impropear activities has been given to t�e vel�icle owner or user at least twelve (12) ha�rs <br />in advance, is �leclared �a be a public n�isaz�ce. (40�.0203) <br />4. V�hicles Witho�t License Plates: Except wheare expxessly permitted by state law, any <br />vehicl� shall be dee�aeci to be junked ar a�andoned if said vehicle does noi �ave attached <br />t�aeretQ a valid curren� lic�nse plate issued by the �roper Siate agency. (407.0204} <br />5. All uanzaecessary vehicle tuning a�.d repair noises ar�d annoying �ibraiians. (4o�.o3Ej <br />6. The staariz�g of t�e following �hings far a period langer than se�renty two (72) houars in the <br />�'ront yard af a.ny residential zoned area: t¢o7.o3Q1) <br />a. Trailexs o� any kind, unless supporti�g a baat of twenty feet {20'} ax Iess. (¢07. o3Q1} <br />b. Boats or wate�rcraft of any kind in excess a�iwenty fieet (20'). (�07.03Qa,b,c,d) <br />e. Inopera�ive z�otor vehicIes ofany type. {4�17.o3Qa,b,� �} <br />d. Campers arid cazxaper buses. (407.03Qa,b,�>d) <br />G. Abate�nent 4f Ve�icles: <br />1. Impour�di�g: Any palice affic�r ar ather duly authorized perso� naay arder any vehicl� <br />constituting a public nuisance to be iz�-a�:ed'zately removed andlor im.pown�ied. The <br />impaunded ve�icls shall be surrendered to the duly identi�'ied owner by the �owing <br />eontractor only upon payment of t�e required irripound, towing a�d starage fees. <br />(407. a2Pr) <br />2. Sale: Nol:ice and sale of any vehiele iznpaunded �znder this Chapter s�aall be conducted in <br />aceardance r�i�h Mz�an�sata Statutes chapter � 68B gaverr�ing the sale of abazzdoned motor <br />vehicles. (907.D2P2) <br />5434 ��1019.i4a OSSTRUCTION 4F PU�3L�C RIGHTS CiF WAY NUI�ANCE; <br />5435 The nbstructzon o£ streets by any �se of praperty abu��ing on a�ublic street ox sidewaik or any <br />5436 �z�s r�� a�u�alic stre�t ox sidewalk which ca�ses laz�ge crowds oi penple to gather abstructing <br />54�37 trafiic and the free use of public streets or sidewalks is a nuisance and a vialation of this Code, as <br />S43 8 az�e the following: (407. 031) <br />5439 A. Obstructiorz or blacking of City-owr�ed n.on-matprized pathways, sider7va�ks, ox designated <br />5440 bicycle routes; by any �neans, including, but not limitecl to, �he parking af vehicles or <br />5441 starage of snow, is prol�ibited. (�03.10) <br />5442 B. Resez�ved. <br />5443 C. �nterferi�g With Drainage: Placing ent�ance culverts ar doir�g any act w�ich may alter or <br />54�4 affect �h� draina�e oi �aublic streets oar alleys or tl�e �urface or grade of p�blic streets, alleys <br />5445 or sidewalks withaut proper permi�. (40�.03.�) <br />5446 D. Repairing Vehicles Or Tizes In Streets: Making repairs to �notor ve�icles or tires in �ublie <br />54�7 st�reets or alleys, e�cepting only emergency ;repairs �when it will not unduly impede or <br />5�4$ interfere with txa�'fic. (40�.031�1) <br />5449 E. Trash In Streets: Thrawiz�g, placing, de�asi�ing oar burnzng leaves, trash, lar�n clippings, <br />5450 weeds, grass ar other �atearial 'zn the stree�s, alleys or gutters. {4o7.o3N} <br />5451 F. Unautho�ized Signs: Erectin�, painti�g or placing o�unaui�orized traf£'ic signs or <br />S�}S2 advertising signs in streets, alleys or an sidewal�es. (�a�.o3o) <br />5453 G. On any private pa�king lots withir� the Czty, the �allowing rules shali apply: ��oz.lo> <br />5454 I. The Paiice Department inay post signs at any entrances to a private parking 1ot from a <br />5455 public street �crvhich shall designate one-way traffic for en�ranee or exit. Th� driver of any <br />5455 vehicie er�tering or leaving such lot s�a�l camply wi�h any nne-way signs so posted. <br />5457 (602.IO�I) <br />1G1 <br />