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b4d <br />647 <br />b48 <br />649 <br />650 <br />651 <br />652 <br />6S3 <br />654 <br />655 <br />6S6 <br />657 <br />658 <br />6S9 <br />66D <br />661 <br />662 <br />663 <br />6f4 <br />665 <br />b66 <br />667 <br />668 <br />559 <br />670 <br />67I <br />672 <br />673 <br />b74 <br />67S <br />676 <br />577 <br />678 <br />679 <br />f80 <br />681 <br />6S2 <br />F83 <br />68� <br />685 <br />b86 <br />687 <br />688 <br />689 <br />b9Q <br />691 <br />: <br />C <br />� <br />behind �ke building li�ae of the prirzcipal siructure. Gaa�den sheds may o�ly be loca�ed in the <br />rear yard. (Oxri. �287, 8-�-2003) <br />9. Prohibiteci Zocation: Accessory �uildings ancllor a garden shed sha11 not be lacated within <br />any public or private u�ility or draznage easement. <br />10. H�ight: Accessory b�zldings s�all not exceed one story or fifteen feet (� 5') in heighf and <br />the wa�l height shall nat exceed ni�e feet (9') i� l�eigl�t. The overall heigh� oian accessoxy <br />building shall not exceed t�e o�verall �eight of the principal struetu�e on �he parcel (building <br />hei�;ht zs determir�ed from seetion 209 of t�e uniform building code). <br />1 l. Tn-Ground Ga�ages: Where ihe z�at�ral grade o�' a lat at �he buildi�g line of a�ouse zs <br />eight fcet {S') or more above the esta�lished aurb 1eve1, an accessory building foar vehicie <br />storage (garage) may be erected within any yard, provided ��at an�Whal�(1/2) o�'the wall <br />��igl�t or more is beTaw grade level. Suc� an accesso�'y building shal� be sei bac% a <br />�inimu�.a of twenty feet (20') f'ro�n any rig�it a�' way. <br />12. Accessory Building and Garden Shed Color, Design and Materials: Thc ex�erior color, <br />d�sign, a�d/or mat�rials a£ an acc�ssory building shall be similar to the princzpa.l structure. <br />Coz�ruga�ed metal sidin� and corr�ugated �eta1 roois sha1� be prohibited. <br />13. Driver7,ray Requzxed: Any accessory building capab�e oi storing one or more rnotoriaed <br />vehicles s�aal� be provided with a hard-s�tr�aced driveway to an adjaceni public street. <br />Hawever, iithe primary purpnse o�'thc b�zilding is for residential {not coz�znexcial} <br />equi�ment, rnateria�, seasonally u�ed recreational vet�icle or a seasa�ally �riven vehicle or <br />collectihle, a haxd surfaee is nat required. <br />14. Requirements For Distriets Other Tha� R-1 and R-2: Aceessa:ry buildi�gs in clistricts <br />other than R-I and R-2 disfiricts shall be placed in the rear yards. {Ord. 1287, 5-4-2003) <br />15. Building Permit Required: A buildi�ag permit shall be xequired �or a�l detack�ed aecessary <br />buildit�gs and a gart�en shed. A hu�lding permii application must ir�clude a site piari <br />establis�i�g a�l praper�y Xznes and require� dimensiQnal setbacks, aroof and star�aee draina�e <br />p�an an� b�ildi�g elevations. (Ord. 1246, 2- � 2-2001 } <br />General Density Requirements, Excap#ions and Cxedits: <br />�, The totai z�i�imum lot xequirements %r str�ctures housing thre� (3) or mare dwel�ing <br />unats iz� a�y R distriet may be reduced by ona h�ndred (100) square fe�t pez dwelling unit if <br />the property involved is contiguous ta a B or an � dzsfx'ici. <br />2. T�e total rninimum lot area requiarernents #'or s�ructures housing three (3) ar mare c�w�lling <br />units in at�y R district may be dec�eased by ihxee hundr�cl (300) square feet for each parkir�g <br />space t�at is provided under �h� principal use structure or, in sozxae o�her manzaex, <br />underground wY�ich allows use of the grade level above such spac� for atk�er parking, yard or <br />r�creation space. <br />Eazd. �zs�, s-�-2o0�} <br />�eneral Lighting R�gula�io��s: �iy illunrzination, w�et�Zer a��xed to a buzld.i�� or otnerwzse, <br />within a lot in any R distric� s�al� nat be per�aitted to beam beyond tlae lot lines wherein it is <br />locat�d. (4xd. 275, 5-12-1959; amd. 1990 Code; Ord. 10$9, 2-25-1991; �995 CQde) <br />Par�'iz�g: Reserved, S�� Sections �8-�-�1019 & 1004.12 (Ord. 1287, 8-4-20d3) <br />Pre-exzsting Setbacks: ��, aft�r May 21, 1959, existin�;l�ouses on £'ifty percent (5�%} or naore <br />o£the frontage of any block have a predo�xnant front yaz�d dz�'£erent frorza t�a� herein <br />specified, al1 buildxngs herea�te�r exected shali ca��o�n to �he average front yard se�Wback of <br />t�ze i�,vo adjacen� 1�o�ses on the same side o�the s�reet, provided th�s rebulation sh�al� �at be <br />intezpreted sa as to require a front ya�d of znore than forty £eet (4�0'} in d�pt�. (O�d. 275, S- <br />17 <br />