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632 <br />693 <br />&94 <br />695 <br />696 <br />697 <br />698 <br />699 <br />700 <br />701 <br />702 <br />�Q3 <br />704 <br />7�5 <br />7�46 <br />707 <br />708 <br />709 <br />710 <br />71I <br />712 <br />"713 <br />714 <br />'i 15 <br />7�6 <br />717 <br />718 <br />719 <br />720 <br />721 <br />722 <br />723 <br />'724 <br />72S <br />726 <br />'727 <br />728 <br />729 <br />"�30 <br />731 <br />732 <br />733 <br />734 <br />735 <br />736 <br />737 <br />F. <br />G <br />�2-1959) (Ord. �287, 8-4-2003) <br />Residez�ce Relocatio�s: <br />1. Policy: It sha�X be t�.e stated �olicy o�'the City to mai�tain a harrnonious and hxgh s�andard <br />o� xeside�tial developmen� and to protect s�c� areas from deleterious e�£ects through <br />ensurin�g that bot�Z �ew an� z'elocated c�wel�ings from other areas, both within the City and <br />��'acom outside, shail meet specified requirerxaents. <br />2. Relocations Pe�nitted Or� Condition: Relocations af dwellings shall be permi�ted in the <br />zoning district where a11 necessary s�ecificatiozas as to lot sizes, setbacks, type of use, heig�� <br />regulations and all ather conditions as laid down in this Title are me�. {Ord. 275, 5-12-1959) <br />3. Relncation Pearznit Required; A�plicatian: <br />a. Re�acatiions, excep� to adjacent lots on the �ame side nf the street, s�all require a <br />relocation pezmit utilizing t�e notzce and heaz�ing p�ocedure se� forf� for candition use <br />pe�ni�s. <br />b. The applicant s�aall provide a perforrnance security to the City in an a�nouz�t ta be <br />c�eterzni�ee� by t�Ze City Gounci�. <br />c. Chief Cade Enfarcement 4fficer sha11 provic�e a report to the City Co�raci� ar�d after <br />%earing the matter the Cit� Caun�il may grax�t or reject t�e issuance of a perjnit. (Ord. <br />1�76, 11-25-1996) (Ord. 1287, 8-4-2003} <br />Koine Occupations: <br />1. �'€rr�aose: The purpase o�the home occupation regulations is to provide an oppo�unity for <br />ho�e occ�pations, while ens�rizag t�at such �a�e occupations dc� not have an adverse <br />impaci on the charactex and livability of tl�e surrounding neighbor�aod. The haz�e <br />occupa�ion regu�ations alsa ensut'e �hat the hoz�e occupation is secondary ar�d subardinate to <br />ti�e pri�cipal resident�al use o� the property. <br />2. Star�dards: Hame oec�patians shall be subject to the foliowing standaxds: <br />a. Ho�e occu�atzons shall oniy be cnnducted by t�ae resident of the dw�lling, and wit�in <br />the principal residential strucfure or dwelling. Not more than thirty percent (30%) af th� <br />floox �rea of t�e dwelli�g, tn a naaxirnu:nn nf six �ur�dr�d (600) square feet, may be used <br />�or suc�: pt�rposes. The horrie occupation s�a�I be eonduc�ed entire�y within the dweliiz�g. <br />An accessory building sha11 not be used to operate a�o�e occupation. <br />b. Only the resident awner(s) or tez�a.nt(s) o� the dwelling, ar�d noi �nore than az�e <br />nonresideni emptoyee or ful�-tzme equzvalezzt (�TE), s�a�2 be er�gaged in the conduct of <br />the ho�ne c�ccupatio� orz t�e prer�zses at any �ime. �or purposes of this provi�zor�, <br />"nonresiden.t employe�" shall include an e�ptoyee, business partner, inde�en.dent <br />contractor, or ather persaz� afiiliated with the home occupation wha visits ar works at �he <br />site as part a£the �ame accupatiox�. <br />c. The �ame occupatin� sha11 be clearly incidental and secandary to the use of the <br />dwelling for reside�tial purposes. Exterior alteratiflns or modifications that change the <br />resic�e�tial chaxacter or appearance of the dwe�ling ta a��aw exterzo� business ider�tity <br />s���l no� be a�lnwed. Ir�te:rior alterations or �odi�'ication� that eliminat� the kiichen, livin� <br />room, any of the bedroorns or bathrooz�as of t�e c1�we�ling shail no� be allavved. <br />d. Tnere shall be no e�terioz- c�isplay or siorage of e��ip�nent or materiais used in �he <br />opexa�ion of the hame occupatian. <br />e. The requiz�ed o#�� str�et parking �or the �esidential use shal� not be reduced or made <br />unusable by ihe �o�x�e occupation. The hozne occupation s�al� have a maxi►n�m of two <br />(2) additional vek��cles ta be parl�ed on or near �he property at any one time. <br />IS <br />