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Sectian 1005°015 B�sin�ss Uses and Zaa�ing Distx�cts <br />P = Permitted Use A = <br />Accessoe-y iJse CUi' =Conditional Use <br />Land UseW��.W.- mm Qualifer B-1 B-1B B-2 16-3 I3-4 B-61 �C <br />PUD <br />News a�er and inagazine stands� �m��mmm Ci1P CUi' CUF <br />Officelsupplyequipmentsales/se€vice P P P PUD P <br />O�ces, huainess and prafessionai P P P P P PUI� P <br />Off street pazking & off street loading A A A A A <br />Open saies ioEs CUP A <br />OrYhopedic & mcdical appliance stpres Within struc4ures >10,00fl sq. ft. CUP P P <br />Outdoor clispIaylstarage CUP CUP CUP GUP <br />Pai�iE and wat3pap�r stores P P P PU1� P <br />Parking facilitSes iraside Ramps and underground A A A A A PUD P <br />Park'sn�/coraEiguous ta business district CUP CUP CUP CUF CUP PUD C�7P <br />Pawn store CIJP <br />PaE and �et suppty sCore CUP CUP P P CUP <br />Photography studios �' P �' �'�n �' <br />Physicai cutture and healtta services k' p �' �'�� �' <br />Pictura €raining (retail trade) on the �remises oniy I' P P P <br />Plusnbi»g showraoms and store P PUD <br />Poo1 halIs CUP CUP <br />Yhotocopying and printing siore C[7P F' P PU[� <br />Private cluhs or Eodges P P P <br />F�ivate cultura6 institutions P 1' P 1'TJT3 E' <br />Pe�blic uses P 1' P�J� �' <br />Pub[ic e�tility facilities CUP CLJP CUF PUD CUP <br />Recording, broadcasiing or TV swdio CUi' P T' PUD <br />Rental and leasing of sma[I ve�Zicles CiJP GUP <br />Rental and leasing nf sma[I veEticles ]f aE�cillary €o a pennitEed usc; Scctican 1��5.48 GFJP <br />EZepair garages CL3A <br />Research, design, and deveto�. estabEishments CUI' A 1'U17 <br />Research, deveIop., rofg micro componenfs CUF I'UD <br />ltestaurant Ciass I— Traditional no liquor and drive-thru not allowed, including caF�, P P P P F P <br />bu�'fet, coffee shap, deii <br />Restaueant Class IT —�'ast Food Convenience wathout drive-thn�, inc[udin caf�, coffee shop, cEe{i P P P P P <br />Restaurant Class lI — Fast Food CnnveEiieE�ce tl�e same with drir+e«thru faci[ities CUP GUP CtJP CUP CtJA <br />Restaurant Class [II - Traditional with intoxicating/non-intoxicating figuar {3.2 0eer, P P P P P P <br /><nma. �-a, �-� �-zoas) wine & strong 6ee€) <br />Restaurant Cfass iV - Traditionai with on-sa{e iiquar (ful! service bar), and take- P P P A P F' <br />ama, s-a, �-t �-200�) ouUdeli as aecessary use <br />esiauraz�t Ciass IV - TradiGional the same with live enterlainroent or danaing, CUP CUF CUP T' CUP P <br />Amd. B-4 7-I I-2006 <br />�estautant C6ass V-1]rive-in convenicncc servcd primarily at vehicie CUP GUP GUP C1,1P CUP CE1P <br />Restaurant C€ass V[ �-Take-Qut & i}elivery prepazed t'ood picked-s�p or delivered to custamers P E' P P P <br />Restricted p€od€sction and repair f � PUU P <br />Resiricted prod�ction and repair Wiihin sErucYures >I0,0�0 sq. S. P PUD <br />Refail safes tlnless a CiJT' is requircd elsewhere P P P P PUD P <br />Schopis o?' music or dance CtJP P P P P <br />Service stations CUP CUP GU�' <br />�ewing �nachine sales and scrvice Household machines on[y P P P F <br />Shoe anc[ hat stores as�d repair P P F P <br />Sign store P <br />Ska#ing rinks {Commercial) CllP CUP P CU[' <br />Snowmobile sales Cl1P CUP <br />Sporting goods stores � �' �' P <br />�� <br />