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Sect�on IOOa.015 Busiu�ss Uses and Za�ni�►g Districts <br />P = Permitt�d Use A = <br />Accessory Use CUP =Conditio�al Use <br />Land Use Qaa�i�"ier B-1 B-1B B-2 �'3-3 B-4 B-6/ SC <br />PUD <br />SwirrErr�ing poo{s {Carnrnerciat) --�mm CUP CUP P ��� GIJP <br />Television , radio, elecironics and repair �' �' �' <br />Tfaeaters �' �' P �' <br />Tire stores CUP GiJP CIJP CUP PUD P <br />Tobacco stares P �' �' �' <br />ioy store p �' �' p <br />Trave[ Agency P P P P P Pt7D P <br />Veterinafy clinics CUP CU�' CUP h CiJ� <br />Waral�ousing and starage No ju�akyards; storage must be ii�sida ihe strueture P PUD <br />Whalesale bt�sinesses <SO°/a totai fioor area for seorage Ci1P PUb <br />Wholesa[e distribution P <br />1248 {Amd. B-4, 7-11-20U6) <br />12�9 �005.42: B-1 L,�M�TED BUSINESS DISTR�CT: <br />1250 The B-1 Lirnited Business Dis�rzct is dasigned �o provide a limi�ed range of office or professional <br />I251 services at the periphery af residential uses a� integrated with residential uses. Because of <br />1252 compatibility factors adjaccn� tn residential uses, ot�ex non-retail �ses rnay be pear�aztted only <br />1253 wi�h � cnnditionai use pez�mit. The B-1 Lirnited Busiz�ess Dzstric� is intended £or areas designated <br />� 2S� as B Business, dr LB Liz�ited Business, areas in the Campre�ez�sive I'lan. <br />1255 A. �'ez-�nztted, Accesso�y and Coz�ditioz�al Uses: �ee Section 1005.015 <br />1256 F3. Res�dential District Uses: Multiple-�arrzily dwelli�gs and other �us�s permitted in reszdential <br />1257 distracts if constr�cted in B-1 district shall confonn to setback, density and other <br />125$ requirements under residence distriets. (4rd. 275, 5-12-1959) <br />1259 C. Mi�izx�ur� Require�nents: See Sectip� Z�05.01. Where b�ildings are wit�in I 50 �eet of a <br />1260 residezztial zane, such buildings shall be li�ited �o �he average height of existing resideniia� <br />1261 buildings that are �ocated within 1 SO feet of a pxopased B-1 huilding. The City Cau�cil ma� <br />l.2fi2 grant a cc�nditional use pern�it for a building in a B-1 Dist�ric� to be a maxim�m of 3 siori�s <br />12b3 upon application af a petitio�ez and �otding af a public heaz�ng under the procedures set <br />1264 £o� in Chap�er 108 of this Ca€ie. L7pon �ra�ting such a conditional �se pe�nit, the City <br />1265 Counc�I �ay impose �uch condiiions which rnay be appxa�riate ta proteet the public �eal��, <br />1266 safety and welfare. (Ord. 11'76, � 1-25-199b} <br />�26'7 1005.0�: B-lB �.,�Il�1[�'T� ED �tE'TA�L D�STR��7['S: <br />1268 The B-1B Limi�ed Retail Bu€si�ess District is designed �'or comuaatuaity medzcal or ai�ce uses <br />1269 and znay i�aclude lirr�ited retail over 10,0�� sq�are feet., as well as restaurants ove�r 5,Q00 square <br />1270 feet and hatels and motels. When adjac�nt to residential uses, certain retail, public z�eeting, and <br />127 � other uses rnay be �aez�znitted by canditional use perrnit. The B-1 B L'znr�ited Retail Busine�s <br />1272 District is iniended for certain areas designa�ed as B B�siness, or LB Lirni�ed Busir�ess, areas in <br />1273 the Comprehensive Plan. <br />l 274 A. Pe�itted, Accessazy and Conditianal Uses: See Section 1005.015. <br />127'5 B. Miniinu� Requirements: See Section 1005.01. <br />43 <br />