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1276 <br />1277 <br />There shall be no exterior storage of �quipnae�at, z�aaierials, or exterior display o�'products. <br />1005.04: B-2 RETAII_. BUSINESS DISTRICTS: <br />1278 The B-2 Re�ail Business Distriet is designed for general relail uses in individual buildings or <br />1279 strip ce�ters which £ace and front on a state or county raad. The B-2 Retail Business District is <br />1280 in.te�ded far certain� areas designated as B Business area z� t�e Ca�aprel�ensive Plasa. <br />128I A. I'errr�itted, Aecessory and Conditional L7ses: �ee Section 1005.015 <br />I282 B. Mi�imum Requiremen�s: See Sectzon 1QQ5.�1. <br />�283 1005.05: B-3 GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS: <br />1284 T�� B-3 Ge�eral Busi�ess D'zstz�zct is d�sz�;ned �ax gez�eral retail uses i� i�davidual b�i�di�zgs or <br />1285 strip cer�ters which fac� and front oza a state or eou�ty raad. It allows for largex indoaar and <br />1286 e��eriar sales and �ast food sales t�axa th� B-2 Business District. The �3-3 General Business <br />1287 Disirict is intended fo� certai� areas des�gnated as B Busia�ess area in the Co�zprehensive Plasa. <br />1288 A. Permitted Accessor�, a�d Conditiona� Uses: See Section 1005.015. <br />1289 B. Minirnum Requirements: See Section 1005.01. <br />1290 <br />1291 <br />1292 <br />1293 <br />I294 <br />�295 <br />1295 <br />129'7 <br />1298 <br />1299 <br />1300 <br />130i <br />1302 <br />13Q3 <br />1304 <br />1305 <br />��o� <br />1005.06: B-4 RE'T`AIL OFFICE SERV�CE DISTI2ICT: <br />The B-� Retazl �f�'ice Service Distr�cfi is designed ta pxovide a li�aited �aix of land uses, <br />cornpatible thro��h controls a�d �ig� quality staaadards, to facilita�e �ore ir�tensive, larger, ancl <br />higher val�ec� develop�nent and redevelop�nent areas for the regional rnarket. This distric� allows <br />op�o�:uni�ies to integrate high quality o�iices, hotels, restauranis, retail use� and selec�ed nffice <br />and rt�anufacturing uses visible from state or county roads. The B-4 Retail Of�ice Service District <br />is intended for certain areas designated as B Business area in the Cornprehensive Plan. <br />A. Pe�itted, Accessoxy, and CQnditional Uses: See S�etipr� 1005.0�5. <br />B. Minzz�u� Requirerne�ts: See Sect�on 1 QQS.� �. T�Ze £o�lpwing �i�i�zuzx� requirements s�a11 <br />also apply in all B-4 Districts: <br />1. Suilding Heighi; Floor Area Ratio: No litnit shall be placed on the height of building� in <br />the B-4 D'zs�ric�, nor s�al� any m�n�mum floar aarea ratio be requiared. However, bui�d'z�gs <br />over 40 feet in height sha11 have front lots not le�s t�an 3/4 of the height oi the huilding and <br />side at�d rear yard setbacks of not less than 1/2 of the height af the building. <br />2. Ouidoor Sfiorage: There shall be no outdoor storage of equi�men�, materials, or products. <br />�005.07: B�6 M�XED USE BUS�NESS PARK DISTR�iCTS: <br />1307 The B-6 Of�ce Par�. D'zstrzct is deszgned ta �arovzcle a k�ig� qua�ity of�ce, clinic, hotel, atad <br />1308 researc� complex vvith znultiple sto:ries. Because the intent is �o create tall and dense office <br />1309 towers, �here is no height lirni� in this district. This distric� is norrnally located adjacent to and is <br />13I 0 visible from state or county roads. The B-6 Office Park Distriet is intended for selected areas <br />13 �� designated as B Busir�ess area withi� �he Comprehensive PZan. <br />1312 1. A mixed use business park land use desig�atian is defin�d as a g�ographically identi�able <br />131 � area cantai�ing a consistent architecfurai �ix of office, offiee-lahoraiory, affice-showraom- <br />1314 warehousing, biotechnical, biannedical, hzgh-tec� spftware a.nd � productian uses <br />1315 with support services s�ch as lirraited retail, health, �tness, lod�i�g and ��ltifa�nraily hQUSing. <br />1316 A"Mixed Use Busiz�ess Park" is a recieveloprnent axea, i� whic� the enviranrr�ental impacts <br />44 <br />