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1362 <br />1363 <br />1364 <br />1365 <br />1366 <br />1367 <br />I368 <br />13b9 <br />1370 <br />1371 <br />1372 <br />13`73 <br />1374 <br />1375 <br />13'�6 <br />1377 <br />1378 <br />1379 <br />I380 <br />1381 <br />1382 <br />1383 <br />1384 <br />13$5 <br />1386 <br />36 i�ches ahove the parking lo� curb as required in Sec�ion 1010 unless sp�cified <br />otherwise in Lhe planned unit developr�erzt agree�ent. <br />b. Sid� and Rear Ya�d �etbacks: The side ancl rear yard setbacks �hall be 10 �eet. <br />�'arking may occur �vi�hin 10 feet of a side or S feet af a rear lo� line unless ot�erwzse <br />speci�ed 'az� the piarined unit development agreemer�t. In the case nf corner ar double <br />frontag� lois, the fro�t seibac�CS shall appiy. <br />4. Building Height: The znaxiz�au� height o£ b�zldings in the B-6 District shall be iive <br />stories ar seventy �eet above grade, whichever is less. Howe�er, �3Lli�C�li1�5 OV�T �O ���� Ill <br />height shall have front lots r�at iess �han 34 �'e�t plus 1/2 of �he l�eight of th� building and <br />side and rear yard setbacks of �at less tk�an �Q �eet �lus 1/4 af the heigi�t Qf the buil�ing. <br />5. Landscapir�g: 5% of tl�e surface area of larzd withi�. a par�iz�g area shal� be Zandscaped <br />wi�h street trees, grass and shrubbery, or ot�ter ap�roved gror�nc� cover. A m.izairz���. of <br />2S% o£ t�e su�'£ace area of each io� or �et of combinec� Iots shall be green s�ace eonsisizng <br />of land�caped area with street trees, grass, ponding, an.d shrubbery, or ather approved <br />grouind cover. <br />6. ()ut�.oar Storage: Th�r� shall be no outdoor starage of either materials o:r prod�cts. <br />(Ord. 1013, S-1 �-8`7; amd. Ord. 1085, 1014-9I}. <br />7. S�orrnwater Ponding — All arequired staz�n:�waisr ponding sha11 be provided and may <br />utilize new �echt�alogies such as roof gardezas, pipi�g u�der par�i�zg lots, etc. AI1 above <br />graund ponding s�all be designed as an amenity far ihe enjoyment of th� residents and/ar <br />ernployees in the community. <br />E. Nanconiarming Uses: Any b�ilciing or use which becoznes no�co�foarz�ing because o£the <br />adoption of this Section may remain. Said r�anconforrnin� building or use shall not be <br />extended, e�pa.nded, or iniensified after the adop�ian of this Sectior� exce�t as pern�itted in <br />Sectiorz 1011. <br />1357 1005.0�: MOT�R VEH�CL� R.ENT.A�L .A.ND LEAS]C�T� �U�TI'�ES,�E�: <br />1388 A. Mator vehicle rental a�nd leasing businesses as tenants in offiee ancl offzee service bui�dings <br />l 3 89 zx�ay be a�lawed through the issuance r�� a conditional use �ermit in the B- � B, B-2, B-3, ax�d <br />1390 B-4 Zonin�; Dzstrzets. �n the review of such applications, it shall be de�erminecl that the <br />1391 storage af vehicles on ihe premises shall be purely an accessary use, c�oes not functzon as <br />1392 dxsplay ar advertising a�d does not alter the appearance and characier of t�e praperty. <br />1393 B. Additiaz�al Conditians: I� additian to other eonditions that may need to be a�tached �o these <br />1394 conditional use pear�aits to �nsuare cpznplzance witk� �he intent o�this Section, motor vehicle <br />1395 rental and leasir�g businesses s�all canfaz-�xa ta t�ae followi�g stand�rds: <br />1396 �. Sr�all Vehicles: Far rental anc� leasing businesses, a sza�all vehicle is defined as a�otor <br />i 397 vehicle intended primarily fox passenge:r use a�d no taller �han '� fee� it� height and no longer <br />1398 than 20 feet in length. <br />1399 2. Large Vehicles: Far rental an� leasing businesses, a large �ehic�e is defiz�ed as az�y rnotor <br />1�00 ve�ic�e pther than a small vehicle. <br />1401 3. �'az•�i�.g Spaces: Th� number af parking spaces on site for rental vehicles shall be above <br />I402 anc� beyond the �uz�aber requixec� by ihe Ci�y £pz' employees of the rental or leasing business <br />1403 and iar other uses on the site ar in the same building. <br />1404 4. IVlain.tenance; Cleaning: All maintenar�ce and eleaning of vehicle�, alI equipment for <br />1405 �aintenance and cleaning o£ve�icles, a.nd all t�rai�exs o� at�ex equipznent or devices used iar <br />1406 transporting vehicles shall be completely witha� the parzncipal buil�.i�g ax eozx�pletely <br />,, <br />