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I407 <br />�408 <br />I409 <br />i410 <br />1411 <br />14�12 <br />1413 <br />1414 <br />1415 <br />1416 <br />1417 <br />��18 <br />1419 <br />1420 <br />screened farozn eye level of adjac�ent public stree�s, residentia,l areas and from other tenant <br />spaces if the use is in a z�ultx-te�ant bui�di�g. <br />S. Storage o£ Ve�icles: Siorage ��ve�icles ,shall not interfere with t�� sa�e aa�d e£�cient <br />acces5 az�d circulation of ve�icles and pedestrians on site. <br />6. Office Building Locatioz� Restxictio�s: �f located in an office �uildz�g, orzly smaEl vehicles <br />rnay be xe�te�. ar leased and t�.e parking spaees, signage anc� at�er visible evid.ence af the <br />rentai or leasing business shall be cornpatible with the office settin�. (Orcl. 1099, 5-26-9�); <br />amd.1995 Code) <br />2005.09: AUTOMOBILE SERVTCE STATIONS AND CONVENTENCE <br />14�21 STC�RES SELL�NG �"UEL: <br />1422 Autoa�xaabile servic� stations s%all conform to tl�e following standards: <br />1423 A. Surface Coverin�: The en�ire site, other than tl�at taken up by a structure ar �lantir�g, shall be <br />1424 surfaced wiih asp�alt or concrete. ' <br />1425 B. Drai�age System: A c�rainage sys�ern subject to the appraval of the Public Works Director <br />1426 shall be ins�ailed. All drainage sys�ems shall include an c�i� elirnination cateh basin. <br />1427 C. Parking and Servic� Areas and Curbs: No parki�g ox• sez�vzce area shall be less than 5 fee� <br />1428 fram a prapert� line and a bo� curb shall �eparate the �ublic sider�alk fro� such par�Cin�; <br />1429 and/or service areas exce�t at approved entrances and exits. <br />1430 D. Pump Islands and Canopies: The center Ii�e o�puzz�p zsland and �he o�ter edge of the pump <br />1431 island canopy roof shall be a rninirnum of 25 feet �'rom a properiy line. <br />1432 E. Driveways: No driveway at a property Iine sha11 be less than SO fee� from thc intersectiora. o� <br />1433 2 street right-o� way lines. (Ord. 309, 12-13-b0; amd. Ord. 1085, 1-14-85} <br />1434 F. �igns: Each service s�tion rr�ay have ane pylon sign not in excess oi b4 square feet per side <br />1435 nor mor� than 20 feet in h�ight erec�ed within the front yaxd and no part t�f the sign shall be <br />1436 Iess than 15 feet frotn a pro�ert}� line (hnrizantal dis�ance). TI�e pylon shall no� he less than <br />1437 15 fee� from a drivewa� or driv�way enirance. (Ord. 342, �0-13-61) <br />143 $ G. Other Products: If service stations sell �rQducts otlaer thara gas, ail, and other pe�roleuzn <br />�439 products, auta parts and accessories, nr saies fram minor v�nding maehine praducts, then a�l <br />1440 nther retail sales sha11 �ie conducted oniy in compIiance wzti� a1i req�irernents and caz�diizons <br />1441 for sales within a convenience store as in B�3 Districfis. (1990 Cad�) <br />4�7 <br />