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1615 (50'} tQ a residential pxoperty line, nor a height o�twer�ty fve �eet (25') if located between <br />1616 fifty %et (50') and one hundred feet {100'} of a areside�tial p�o�erty �it�e. The light shall �e <br />1617 no more than O.S foot candles a1: �he property line. (See Cl�apter 1011 for light <br />1618 requiar�zne�ts.) Light poles or fixt�res may he a maximum of forty feet (40') tall i� Itacated <br />1 S 19 greater than one �undz�ed £ee� (i 00') from a residential property line and if completely <br />� 624 seareened (ligh� source and light source glare} by buzid�ng, t�ern�, or lazadscape zanateriai wi�h a <br />1621 minimurn opacity o� ni�ety percent {90%) to eye ievel view of living spaces �� hoxnes witlain <br />1622 three hundred �'ee� (300') o#'Iight source. Al1 Ii�hts na� reasonabIy req�ir�d far security or <br />1623 buszness operatians xnus� be turned o�'f between the haurs o�ten o'clac� (10:00) P.M. and <br />1624 sunrise, or op�rated by motion detectors so that tk�ey Qnly turn an wl�en t�ere is aetivity <br />1625 nearby and tuz�n oi� shortly thereaf-�ez�. <br />162G <br />1627 <br />1628 <br />1629 <br />1630 <br />Ib31 <br />1632 <br />1633 <br />1634 <br />1635 <br />1636 <br />1637 <br />1638 <br />1639 <br />164d <br />164� <br />�642 <br />1643 <br />J. Uther Requir�ments: <br />�. Certain Businesses In �hoppi�g C�nter Dis�ricts '�'o Be Er�ciosed: All b�siness, starage, <br />service, repair or processing, recycli��;, box anci crate siorage c�r �nerchazldxse dispiay shatl <br />be conducted wholly wit�airz an enclosed buiiding or behind a solid £ence not less �hazz szx <br />feet (6') l�igh exce�t as allowed in subsection I005.01 E a£ this title. <br />2. Comrnunication: All uses witk�in the S-C dist�ict shall have, and must post an the e�t�rior <br />premises, a p�on� nuanrabe� that wilI be answered by persons with a�zt�Zarity, inciuding tk�e <br />shapping center manager and the individual store mana�er, �o respond io eustonra�r concerns <br />o� complaints during business hauxs or wherz ot�e� rela�ed comrnercial a�tivities oceur. <br />3. Security: Cnmmercial property owr�ers shail be aresponsible %r providing frequent and <br />thoro�gh security monitariz�g pf co�nr�ercial areas cIQSer than three hundred %�t (300') to a <br />residential district or p�roperty line. <br />4. �ite Mainten�ce: Comrnercial property owners sha�l be responsible for daily si�e <br />rr�onitoring and s�te maintenance, i�clud'z�g trash pickup in parking areas bardering <br />residez�tial areas. (4ard. I 234, 12-1 �� 1999, eff. 1- I-20Q0) <br />(Ord. 1304, 2-9-2004) <br />S2 <br />