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156� <br />1570 <br />1571 <br />1572 <br />15'73 <br />1574 <br />�575 <br />i576 <br />1577 <br />1578 <br />1579 <br />15 80 <br />158� <br />I582 <br />1583 <br />158� <br />1585 <br />1586 <br />1587 <br />1588 <br />1589 <br />1590 <br />IS91 <br />1592 <br />X593 <br />�594 <br />1595 <br />1596 <br />�597 <br />1598 <br />2599 <br />1600 <br />i�a� <br />1602 <br />1603 <br />1b04 <br />16fl5 <br />�b06 <br />1607 <br />1608 <br />1609 <br />1610 <br />�61J <br />16�2 <br />16�3 <br />161� <br />landscaping, walls, fence�, berms, or combinaiior�s tk�ereoF <br />2. Service delivezy or non�customer vehicles s�iall noi be parked or staged wxthin three <br />hundred feet (300'} of a xesidential district, �xcept when actirrely Ioading or u.nlpad'zng. <br />3. In no case shall vehie�e stag��g £ar unloading occur �or more than twenty fou� (24) haurs <br />on a site wi�hin any S�-C dis�rict. <br />F. 4ff Stree� Loading: Off street Ioading shall be as listcd in. subsectxoz� � 005.01 F of this title <br />and servicing space s�all be designated for each store unit in the shopping district. Sucl� <br />loading s�ace shali b� designed so as not to eo�flict wit� mavement p�vehicular naffic to <br />aza.d fram �ar�CZng areas. <br />1. Any commereia� laadiz�g dock within three hundred feet (300') of a reszdentzal district <br />shall be cornpietely screened by a wall, landscaped ber�n, fence, or cambinatian therep£ <br />i'rom an adjacent resi�entia� aarea, frozxz a poiz�t fourteen %e� (14') above the �ro�nd at t�e <br />laad'zng area to a point five feet (S) abov� i�e £'�rst floax (main levelj of adjacent residenees. <br />2. Any camzx�ercial loading dack within three hundred f�et {300'} o� a r�sidential district <br />whic� is to be used far any reason hy vehicles nr equipment be#w�en the �ouxs of ten o'clock <br />(10:00) P.M. and seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. shall be wit�in a compi�tely �nclased and <br />roofed structure. All loading, and unloading, operatio�s ,�hall accux with t�e exterior doors <br />s�ut at all tiarz�es. <br />G. Maintenanee Acfiv�ties: Movezn.ent o£ sweeping vehicles, garhage trucks, mainte�ance <br />tz�ucks, shopping carts, and oth�r service v��icles a�ad equip�nent is prohibited within tl�ee <br />h�andred �eet {304'} of a residential dis�rict bet�veen t�e hauz�� af ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. and <br />seven o'c�ack (7:0�} A.M., exeept fdr, er�erger�cy ve�icIes a�d ear�a.eargency �zti�ity or <br />rnainienance aetivities. <br />Except i�z the case o£emergenc�, al1 snow removal operations within iharee hur�dred �eet <br />(300') of an adjacent reside�tial district sha11 be unclertaken consister�t with a��aw <br />mana�ement plan t�at rnus� be annually submitted to and approved by the city. The pla� <br />must inciude measures ta rninimize are�czova� activzty du�ing the hours ai ten o'clack (1 D:00) <br />P.M. anc� seven o'clack (7:00) A.M. consistent wzth p�blic sa£ety �requarements. The plan <br />rnus� also address t�e location and managerneni of' shori-ter�a ( 7 day or �ess) and long-ierm <br />(rnore t�an 7 days) stora�e of sr�ow on-si�e anci oi%site. Lang �erm snow storage shail nat <br />occur wit�in 30fl feet of a residential zone. Lo�g ter�a snow storage may only accur c�n <br />surplus par�zz�g s�aces beyond the required spaces wit�in Seetion 1018 0£ this Code. <br />H. EquipYnent Restric�.oans: All graund-mounted or rooi=�nounted ec�ui�ment, autoz�n.atie <br />doors, s�eaker systems, gas purn.p�, car washes, vehicle vacuum cleaners, air hases, or ot�ear <br />�oise saurces witl�in three hundred feet (300') of a residentiai a�ea must be completely <br />scree�aed ta a point five £eet (5') abave ��ie �rst floar of adjacent resicie�ces. Outdoar speaker <br />systems or oth.ear publzc address systerr�s which can be heard outside are nat al�owed �o be <br />used l�etween tihe hours af ten a'cZoc� {10:00) P.M. and seven o'clncl� ('1:00} A.M. witl�in <br />t�ree hundred %et (300') af a r�sidential district, even if screened. <br />I. Lighting: TY�e hei�ht of �ight pQles anci �'�x�ures shall comply wit� subsection 1010.12 of <br />this title, anc� shall �o� exceed a heig�t of iwelve £eet (12') if located closer �har� �fty %e� <br />51 <br />