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1662 <br />1663 <br />16f4 <br />1665 <br />1566 <br />�667 <br />1668 <br />1669 <br />1670 <br />167� <br />1672 <br />1673 <br />167� <br />1675 <br />1676 <br />�677 <br />1678 <br />1679 <br />�esa <br />1681 <br />1&82 <br />�b83 <br />1684 <br />1685 <br />1686 <br />1687 <br />1688 <br />1689 <br />1694 <br />1591 <br />�. 692 <br />1693 <br />1694 <br />� 695 <br />1696 <br />Rear Lot Li�e 20 20 20 <br />Rear Lot Line which abuts Residential Dist�rict 1€�0 100 10€1 <br />Minimurr� �'arking Seiback <br />�'ront or Corner sade from or facing Res. T.7istrict 40 40 40 <br />Froni or Cornsr side with screenJlandscaping 20 20 20 <br />Side Lot line wh'rch abuts Tnd. or Bus. Dis#rict 5 5 S <br />Side �,ot line abutiing a Ind. or Bus, parking lo� 0 0 0 <br />Side Lot line whie� abuts Res. �ist�ict 4Q 40 40 <br />Rear Lot line adjoining Residential llistrict & screened 40 4� 44 <br />Rear Lot line adjoining non residential district S S 5 <br />Rear I,ot tine to toading dock (unscree�zedj 1 f?Q 1(1a 100 <br />A. General Require�nents: <br />�. Required yards shal� be open s�aees, rr,Thic� zz�ay be used fo� landscaping, larnm and <br />dri�eways, but shall not be utilized �or buildings, par�Cing or ope� starage areas �ar gaods or <br />vehicles except as �ereinafter s�eeified. <br />2. La�dscaping: Al� yarc� space between the build�ng setback arad the stree� right-of way line <br />not utilized far parking of vehzcles shall �e landscaped with �, trees and o�her landscape <br />features as rriay be a�prapriate. <br />a. Exceptian: Witl� a coznbinatian ofpern�azaent year-rouz�d scareening and lanc�scaping, <br />the parking seibac� of passer�ger vehicles (cars and trueks Qf less thar� one torz capacity) <br />may be reduced to twenty fee� (24') froria t�e f�ant property li�e. The combina�io� of <br />permanent year-round scree�ing a�d landscaping may include: <br />(1} Canifera�s trees and street trees as designated in the City Stree� Tree Master Pian, <br />(2) Shrubs, <br />(3) Bez�zns, <br />{4) Masorzry wa�ls or other architect�a� improvem�nts (nQ setback variance <br />r�quired}, <br />(5) Sunke� paricing lat elevations. <br />Any cQanbinatioz� o� subseetion A2a (1) tk�arpugh (5) above sk�all �rovide a rnininaum <br />permanent year-rounc� hei�ht of thirty six inc�es {3b") from �he highest point oithe <br />parki�g Iat curb, consi�ting c3f ei�hty pez-cent ($0%} opac�ue scr�ening of the pa.rked <br />v��zcles as seen from the public �ight of vvay. If deciduaus material is used, the bez�z�n <br />shall be �igher and require less iz� t�e amaunt of vegetation. Where landscape materza�s <br />are pz�opased, tliey shall be o�'such type and size to m�et Yhe height and opacity <br />requireznents wi�hin thirty six {3C) z�on�hs or less aftear ins�allation. <br />l�. Visibil'zty: Traffic visibility skzal� �nafi b� impedec� by f�neing, strr.�ciures, plantin�s or <br />berms within %riy feet (40') o£ an iniersec�ion or clriveway. <br />3. Side Yards: Ail side yard area not utilized for parking or open storage shall be <br />landscaped. Screening pro�ic�ed along the interior side lot Iine slaal� be set bac�C a rr�inimum <br />oi �wenty �eet (20'} frnm any pub�ic right-o� way line. <br />4. Rear Yards: Parking of vehicles ��all be permitted no closer ihan fnrty feet (��'} to t�e <br />rear lot li�ze of adjoining reszde�tial distric�s and shall be scre�ned fro�a vzew from �.djaeent <br />�esid�ntial a�eas. The forty foot (�Q') strip adjacent �o �he rear lot 1i:ne shall be �andscaped. <br />T'arking af vehicles shall be pe�i�:ed no claser t�an five �eet {S`} to rear �at �ines adjoining <br />no�'�sidez��xal districts, <br />54 <br />