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1697 �i. <br />1698 C. <br />1699 <br />1700 <br />1701 <br />1702 <br />17Q3 <br />�7�4 <br />1705 <br />1706 <br />�707 <br />1708 <br />1709 <br />1'7 � 0 <br />1711 <br />1712 <br />1713 <br />1714 <br />1'7�5 <br />1716 <br />1717 <br />1��8 <br />1719 <br />172D <br />172i <br />1722 <br />�723 <br />1724 <br />I725 <br />� �zs <br />1727 <br />1728 <br />1'�29 <br />1730 <br />1731 <br />1732 <br />1733 <br />1734 <br />Q <br />Off-Sixeet �ar�Cing: See Section 10 T 8. <br />Pro�ibzted Uses: Residential, commercial and public uses sucl� as sc�ools a�d ehurches shall <br />be prohibited uses in industria� zoning d'zstricts. (Ord. 1173, 9-23-1996) <br />�'e;rfarmance Standards: <br />1. Noise: A�y use establishcd in an industrial district shall be so ope�ated that nQ naise <br />resultin� fraz�a said operation which would constitute a nuisance is percepiible beyond t�e <br />�remises. This does �at apply ia xnczdental traffic, �aarking and off-siree� loading aperations. <br />2. Smo�e And Farticulate Iv[at�:er: The ez�ission o� s�noke or particulate matter is prohibited <br />where sueh emission is �ercep�ible beyond the premises ta the degree as to consti�zte a <br />nuisance. <br />3. Taxic Or Nnxious Matter: Na use sha�l, fpr a�y period of tim�, discharge acrQSS t�e <br />boundaries of the iot wi�ereir� it is Iocated, toxic oar noxiaus znatter o� such concentration as <br />to bc det�i�tez�tal to or endanger the public health, safet�, eonrafort ar wel�are or ca�se inj�ry <br />or damag� to prape�iy or business. <br />4. Od.ors: TI�e ernission of odorous matter in such quantities as ta be �eadi�y detec#able <br />beyond �he �o�ndaries af the immediate siie is prol�ibi�ed. <br />5. Vibrations: Any use creating periodic earthshaking vibrations, s�ch as are createc� by <br />heavy drop forges or heavy �ydraulic surges, shali be prohibited ii sueh vi�ratiox�.s axe <br />perceptible beyond t�e �aundaries of the iz�nznedia�e site. <br />6. G�are �r Hea�: Any o�eration producing i�tense g;larce or �eat shal� be performed within a <br />completely encloseci buz�ding. <br />7. Explosives: No activities involvzng tk�e stoxage, utilizatian or manufaeture of rnaierials or <br />praducts which could decornpose by detonation shall be perzz�itted except such as are <br />specifcal�y licensed by th� eity cauncil. Such rr�aterials shall inc�uc�e, 6ut not be confined to, <br />a11 pri�nary exp�osaves such as lead oxide and lead sulfa�e; all high e�plosives and booste�rs <br />such as T'NT, RDS, tetaryl a�zd ammoniur� nitra�e; propellants and corn�onents thereof suc� <br />as nitrocellulase, biack powder, ammoniurn perchlorate arid nitroglycerin; blasti;�g <br />explosives such as dynamxte, powdered magnesium, potassium chlorate, po�assiuz� <br />permanganates and potassiu�n nitrate, and nuclear fuels and reactor eleme�ts suc�a as <br />uraniur� 23S and pluionium. <br />E. Ya�'ds: Between each newly erected build�ng a�d the street upo� whzch it faces, there shati <br />be pravzded a front yard which shalt Y�e iandscaped a�d k�pt clear af all st�zctures, storage <br />and employee parking spaces as nated i� subsect�ans A tihraugh E of this section. Grass, <br />shtubs and trecs shall be provided ancl mai�tained by the ow�er and/ar owner'� tenants. <br />(Oard. 275, 5-12-1959; amd. Drd. 1085, 1-14-1991) <br />(Ord. 1303, 2-9-2QQ4) <br />1007°015: GENERA.L R.EQUIREMENTS: <br />1735 Section 100"1.015 Land Uses within I-1 (Lig�tt}, T�2 (Gez�earal), a�d �-2A (Mad'xfied General) <br />1736 T�d�strial I�istz'�ets by Chart. The following uses, shown in Section 1007A15, shall appIy �a all land <br />1737 and buildings �hat may ba erected, conv�rted, or structurally altered in the industrial zo�ni�ag district as <br />173 $ speciiied. <br />1739 <br />1744 <br />55 <br />