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Section 1047.415 �ndustrial Uses <br />and Zon�ng D�stricts <br />P��er�t�itted Use CUI'=Cor�ditioa�al EJse Permit A=Accessory Use Sectipn �ection Section <br />Blank space indicates Not PermitEed 1007.02 10�7.03 I OQ'l.f}4 <br />«i. : . n.�. <br />:.�y. .�:: ,. <br />�� �1�`.�: :�:�'�°:.:::°':•:�: '':::::-`.::'.`�::=r'::':':�.�.�:`::::''::�.`�2`'''''' � <br />�� :0�:��5��. <br />.i� . �l[�1 <br />:�':�P . <br />:�. <br />: : : : :: :: .: :: .•. : . � : .•. : ::.•: .•.•:.•.•: : .•.. : :•.•.•:. : : :•. :-. : :•. : : ::� : :: :: :�: :-: : :: :: : : : . � . : � : : .•. . ..•.. .•. . . .•. .•. . . . . . . . . . <br />....... ......... .... .... ..... <br />Assembly -- light materiats (Such as medical or computer components, �' P P <br />smal[ �nisi�ed parts and prod�cts) <br />Assembly — heavy �naterials (Such as car, airpfar�e parts, semi-�'inisl3ed t� P <br />praducts or materials) <br />Automahilc, truc[c and trailer body repairs F �' <br />A�tomobi[es, trucks and traiters ass�cnbly and engine rebuilding Tncluding parts T' P <br />i3everage processi��g and ba€t3i�g P p P <br />Birtga Ha[!S P P P <br />Boat buildin� and repair E' P P <br />Building materia3s, n�ise., such as lu€nber, wall boards CC1P [' P <br />Chemfcals not involving noxious adors or dangers from fire or �' � <br />expInsives <br />Coramercial vehicie washing (Such as trucks, lrailers, boats, trailers and CL3P C[JP C[!A <br />to a lesser degree, car s) <br />Dug Kennels CUP CUP CiJP <br />Elecfric equip. asserttb[y Not elec. Power substations P P P <br />G€ass produnts frorn previously manuFaotured glass GUP P P <br />Heaith ciubs, physical ce�lfure and health service faciliiies CUP <br />�Ieliports CUP CUi' <br />Ice, dry and natural P p �' <br />Tnsecticides, fungicides, disinfectar3ts and related ind. and household P P <br />clicm. <br />Laboratories for research and quality cont€al in pl�ysical scienccs P P F <br />Machine tovls manufacturin�, assembly, re�air p �' <br />Manafacturing and rspair — lig,tat raaaterials P E' P <br />Manufaccuring a��d repair -heavy P P <br />Meat and fish produc#s, pac3cing and proeessi�g Not slaughcering and glue and size mfg. A P <br />IVietal and Metal producfs, fabricatiosa, asscmbly, treat�nent and CUP P P <br />processing <br />1vlecal casting and foundry proc�ucts, includiug on�amental iron work not incIudin; magnesium �oundries P �' <br />11�eta1 stamping and extrusion of smail products P �' <br />�6 <br />