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1743 <br />1744 <br />1745 <br />1746 <br />�747 <br />1748 <br />1749 <br />i750 <br />1751 <br />�752 <br />1753 <br />1754 <br />1755 <br />1756 <br />1757' <br />1758 <br />1759 <br />17b0 <br />1761 <br />1762 <br />T763 <br />I764 <br />1765 <br />1766 <br />T767 <br />1768 <br />1769 <br />1770 <br />1771 <br />I772 <br />1773 <br />�774 <br />i77S <br />1776 <br />�777 <br />1778 <br />The �-1 Light I�dustria� District is desi�;ned to primarily accommadate whol�sale busine�s <br />activities, bio-teckinical and biornedical ac�ivities, integratcd of�ice and high tech cornputer <br />�ardware a�ad softwaare design and ass�mbly, and industrial operations (�vh.ose exterraal, physical <br />effec#s are restricted to the area o�' ihe district and in nQ �a�er aifect �n a detrimentaI way any <br />of the surrounding disT�icis). The I-1 District permits, alang with any specified us�s, �he <br />manufacturi�g, co�po�nding, prncessing, packaging, assembly, andlar treatz�ez�t of �'inis�ed Qr <br />semi-�nished praducts irnrn previously prepared material. The processzz�g af raw material �or <br />s��pment in bulk %rm, to be used in a� i�dustrial aperation at annther 1oca�inn, is not permittec�. <br />The I�1 Lig�t ��d�ustrial Distric� is intended for certain a.reas d�si��ated as I Inclusir�al areas in <br />the Conaprehensive Plan. <br />A. Permitted, Accessory, ar�d Conditio�al <br />Uses: See Use Chart, Section i 007.015. <br />T�:e �'allowing uses, shown in section 1 d07.015, shall apply io all land and buildir�gs i�at <br />may be erected, <br />converted, or str►aetural�y al�ered in this zonin� distarict. <br />B. Open Storage Pro�ibited: AII open storage is �roi�ibited in li�ht indusfirial dis�ricts. AI� <br />storage shall be �aintained within a clnsed buildit�g. (Qrd. 537, 5-8�1967; arnd. 1995 <br />Code) <br />C. Mator ve�icle dealers per�itted. The sale oi new moior vehicles s1�ai1 be per�nitted oniy by <br />a licensed rna�a� <br />ve�xcle dealer with a new vehic�e fi-anc}zise. The sa�� o� used zxzotaar vehicles by a lieensed <br />motor vehicie tlealer is pear�mitted, b�t may only oce�zr in cor�junction wiCh on-site new <br />vehicl� franchis�s az�d the sales of new rnotor vel�icles. <br />D. Rental ancl leas�z�g of motor vehieles p�rran.itted. The resale a�' motoae vehicles previpusly <br />rented or leased by the licez�sed ieasi�� ar re�tal l�usiness owner is a pern�itted use. {Ord. <br />854, 9-10-I979; amd. �995 Cade) <br />(Ord.1303, 2-9-2004) <br />1447.43: I-2 GENERAL INDUSTR.IAL DISTRICTS: <br />The Genearal �ndustrial District is designed prirnaril� for manufacturing, assearanb�ing, az�d <br />�'abrication activities including large scale or specialized industr�al or r�aotor freight operations, <br />whase externai p�ysicai effects wi11 be f��t by suz�araunding districts, The I-2 District is structuired <br />to permit the �a�ufacturing, processing and compoundin� of semi-finished or �nished pxpducts <br />fro�a� araw rrzaterial as well as �ro� previously prepared matexial. �'he I-2 Gexerai ��dustrial <br />District is intended far certain areas d�signated as ���zdustrial areas in the Comprehensive Pla�. <br />17'�9 A. �'ermitted, Accessnry, an:d Conditional Uses: See Use Chart, Seetion 1007.Q� 5. The %llowing <br />17$0 uses, showa� in Section 1007.0 � S, s�all appiy to alE land and huildings thai inay be erected, <br />1"�$1 con�erted, or structurally alter�d itt ihis zoning district. <br />�7$2 <br />1783 B. Stflrage: <br />1784 I. Within Ez�closec� �tructure: T�e �allowing storage �ha11 be conducted wholty wi�hin an <br />1785 enelased struct�ura: <br />17&6 a. Inaperatiue equip�ner�i�, vvith "inoperative" �bea�g inierp�etec� to �ean a state of <br />58 <br />