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178"7 �alfianctian, physieal deterzoration or some other �hysical co�di�ion re�dering the <br />1788 equipment incapable of being prapearly utilized �or its intended puipose and in need of <br />1789 repairs, disposal or replaceme�t. <br />1790 b. Inapexative ve�icles, w�th "ino�erative" being znterpreteci to n�ean a s�a�e of <br />1791 malfunction, deterioratian br oth�r physical conditian rendering the ve�icle incapa.bie of <br />1792 �ove�ent urider zts awn power. Such ve�icles would i�e�ude those znvo�ved in accide�ts, <br />1 i93 awaiting engine repairs, zn need of body repair or painting az�d similar eonditians. <br />179� 2. Wzthin ,5olid Qpaq�te Vi�al� Or 1 ence: The fal�owing storage s2�all be co�duc�ed w�olly <br />1795 within an area e�closed by a solid opaque wall or fence no less than ei�ht #'eet (8') in �eight <br />1796 and only in a T-2 Ge�eral Ind�s�rial District: <br />1797 a. Buildiz�g materials and luzaraber sales. <br />1798 b. Areas used £ar rental yards. <br />1799 c. Machinery sales, and buik firev;rood sales. <br />1800 d. Dirt, sand, gravel and rock sa�es. <br />18Q� e. Heavy equipznent sales. (Orc�. 537, 5-8-196"�) <br />1802 f. Canstruetion equi�ment. { 1990 Coc�e) <br />1 S03 C. Rentai and Ieaszng of motar vehie�es p�rmi�ed. Th� r�sa�� of motor vehicles pre�riottsly <br />1804 rented or leased by the licensed leasing or ren.ta� b�tsir�ess ow�ter is a pe�naitted use. (Ord. <br />1845 SS4, 9-10-1979; anad. 1995 Code) <br />1806 (4rd.1303, 2-9-2Q04) <br />�80i <br />1848 <br />1809 <br />�510 <br />1&11 <br />1812 <br />�$13 <br />18�4 <br />1815 <br />1816 <br />1817 <br />1818 <br />1819 <br />1820 <br />1821 <br />1822 <br />�823 <br />1524 <br />�825 <br />1$26 <br />1827 <br />1828 <br />1829 <br />1 g�a <br />ig�� <br />1�07.04: I-2A MUD�FIED GENERAL INDUSTRIAL D�STRICT�: <br />The I-2 Modified Industrial D'zs�rict is desi�ned prir�a�rzly for gene�ral indust�ial uses, but affers <br />an o�portun'rty fa�r colleetir�g and processing of inorganie �aaterzal� a�ad i�dustria� wastes. It is a <br />cornplerz�entary a�d supp�rtive �ise area to �e general industriai uses. The I-2A Modified <br />General Indus�rial District is i�tended far ceriain ax�eas designated as I Indust�ial areas in the <br />Compr�hensive �'lan. <br />A. Perz�r�itted, Accessory, and Conditional Uses: A madified general industrial dis�rict (I-2A) is <br />established in w�ick� the uses are set fort�a zn Sectia� 1007A1 S. <br />B. Uses Allowed By Conditional Use Permi�s: <br />1. t�ll conditional uses in �-2 districts as set forth zz� 5ectio�z 1007.01 S. <br />2. The callectian, pxacessing, treatmer�t az�d dis�ributian of inorganic metal wastes co�sisting <br />of znetal com�ounds, solutions, sludges anc� liquids and the collection, bu�king, sepaaration, <br />adc�ition of ab,sarbents arzd distributiazz o�organzc znc��stz�zal was�es. Nexther the i�aorganic <br />nor �the oarganic in.dustrial wa�tes rr�ay xz�c�ude explosives as de�ned in title �$ USC, section <br />$4� (c) (d) and 27 C�`R 55.23. <br />3. Contral Mcasures: Th� city council �ay req�ire control meas�zres including, but not <br />li�i�ed ta, the follawing: <br />Security af premises and buildings, access to azad e�ress fro�n site, arouting of vehicular <br />traffic on �ublic strreets, security rnethods for delivezy and picl�up, s�orm d�aiz7age and <br />s�zllage control iaciliti��, hours of operation, naise impact, Iiabiliry for and control a� <br />unauthnrized delivery, izanpact o� contiguous prop�rty az�d �'ire protectian. (Orc�. 965, i2-1Q- <br />1984; az�d. 19�� Code) <br />(C}rd.1303, 2T9-2004) <br />s� <br />