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18b7 areas, lot size�, mini�au�m house szzes, �inirz�um arequzre�aen#s and athex perfoz-r�ance <br />1868 sfandards associatec� wit� txaditiona� zoning, �lanned �nit develop�ent can m.a�imize the <br />1$69 developrrienfi potential of iand while remaining sensitzve to i�s unique a�d valuable natural <br />18'�0 characteristics. <br />� 87l C. E�`ficiency: The car�solidatian of areas for recreatian and reduetions in street lengths and <br />�872 ot�ex util�ty related exp�nses. <br />� 8"73 D. De�sity Transfer; The pro�ect densit� may be clustered, basing dezasity on number of units <br />1874 per acre vers�s specific lot dimensians. <br />1875 E. District Tntegra�ioz�: The coz�abinatzon o�' �ses w�ich are allowed in separate zoning dis�ri�ts <br />1 &76 such as: <br />187�' i. Mixed residential allc�ws both der�si�ies and unit types ta b� vaz�i�d within t�� praject. <br />18"18 2. Iv�i�ed residential w��h i�creas�d den:szty ack�owledging the greater sensitivzty oi PUD <br />1879 projects, regulatipn provides increased density on the p�operty if a�'UD is utilized. <br />i880 3. Mixed iand uses vvi�h the integratinn of campatib�e �artd �,ses wzthin the praject. {Ord. <br />188� 1Q82, 1-14-1991) <br />� 00� �oOV��4i S��LO�I'.IAJ ��.7i.:1A7e <br />1883 Uses withirz the �'UD may include only those uses generally considered assnciated with t�e <br />1884 generallanc� use categnry show� �or the area on t�e officia� Comprek�ensive Larzd Use Plan. <br />1885 However, in sonrze unique sxtuatzons, the PUD may allow the approval a�use or uses that are not <br />188� �zstsc� as eit�Zer �ez�za�zttec� or cp�dit�onal uses in at�y underl�ing aor�a�2g district. The speeif c <br />1887 allowed use� and performance standards for eac� PUD shall be delir�eated iz� az� ordinaz�ce and <br />1 SS$ develop�nent plan. The PUD develop�nent plan shall zdentify al� the proposed land uses and those <br />1 S89 uses shall become perzrzitted uses �vhen the d.evelopme�t plan is a�proved. Any change in list of <br />�$90 uses presented in t�e deve�aprr�ent plan will be ccansidered an amend��nt to the PIJD an� �i�l <br />1891 %Ilow the proc�dures specified in Section 1008.07 af this Chapter. (4ard. 1082, 1-14-199k) <br />1892 1008,05: REQUTRED STANDARDS: <br />1893 The City s�all cansider the �aropo�ed PUD iram t�e point of view of alI standaxds and puzpases <br />1894 of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan io ac�ieve a maxizra�n cooardinatio�n between the propased <br />1895 develop�nent and the �urrounding uses, ihe conservation of woodlands and vcretlands, the <br />1896 �rotectfon c�f�tealtn, safety aric� �e�fas�e of t�Ze commurazty and reszde�ts a�tlae PUD. to these <br />1897 e�ds, the Czty Cou�acil shal� coz�sider �he location o�the buildings, cornpatibility, parking areas <br />189$ and ot�ex £eatures with respect to the topogra}�hy of the area ar�d existing natural features such as <br />1899 �treams and lar�e trees; the efficiency, adequacy and safety of t�e proposed layaut p� internal <br />1900 streets and dr�v��ays; t�e adec�uaey aY�d Ioeation o�green axeas; the ac�equacy, �oeation anc� <br />1901 screening o£parkz�g areas; arid such otl�er matiters as the City Cou�.cil may find to have a <br />� 902 material bearing upan the stated sta,zadards az�d abjectives o£ th� Comprehensive Land Use Pian. <br />1903 (Ord. 1082, 1-14-1991) <br />1904 1008.OG: C44RDINATION WI'TH SU�D�VISION RE�ULATTQNS: <br />19�5 Subdivis�on review under the subdivision regulations shall be carri�d aut si�nultaneously with the <br />1906 revie�v oithe PLTD. T�e plans rec�u�red �nder t�is Chapie� shall be sub�itied in a form vvhic� <br />19L17 will satis�y the �equireznents a£the subclivision ardiaaance for t�e preliminary ar�d final p1at. (Ord. <br />19Q8 �a82, 1-14-1991) <br />61 <br />