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1909 1008.Q7: REViSIONS AND/OR C`�.ANGES: <br />1910 <br />�911 <br />19I2 <br />1913 <br />1914 <br />19�5 <br />�916 <br />1917 <br />1918 <br />1919 <br />1920 <br />1921 <br />1922. <br />1923 <br />1924 <br />1925 <br />1926 <br />�927 <br />1928 <br />1929 <br />1930 <br />1931 <br />1932 <br />1933 <br />1934 <br />1935 <br />�936 <br />1937 <br />1938 <br />1939 <br />�940 <br />1941 <br />1942 <br />1943 <br />1944 <br />1945 <br />194b <br />1947 <br />�948 <br />19�9 <br />1950 <br />�951 <br />1952 <br />� <br />�� <br />C. <br />D. <br />E. <br />Minar Chasiges in Locatron, P�acement and Herght: Minor chang�s in the local;ion, <br />placement and height oi structur�s may be autharized by tlae l7eveloprne�t Review <br />Co�rnittce if requiret� by engineering oar other circuzxxstanees not foreseen at �k�e time the <br />final plari was appro�ed az�d filed witla the Zo�ing Administrator. (4rd. 1082, 1-14-1991) <br />Signifiea�at Changes in Use, Location, Size and Height: Changes in uses, significant changes <br />i� lacatian, size, or �ei�ht of structures, a�y rearrang�za�e�t of lo�s, blocks and b�ilding <br />�racts, changes in pravzszan a�' cozz�z�aan open spa.ces and all ot�er changes to the approved <br />�'inal develo�amen:t plan may be znade canly after a public hearing conducted by t�e pla�aning <br />CDS��XIl$SiflTI. Upon de�ermination by �he dev�loprnent are�iew comznittee that a ziaajor change <br />has been proposed, the applicant shall apply for an arr�ended PUD. The applieation to arne�d <br />the PUD shall be treated as a new zaning ap�lica�ion. Upon acceptance of a complete <br />application, ihe planning commission shall hold a hearing as set forth i� ck�apt�r � a8 af t�rs <br />eode. Any char�ges shall b� record�d as atr�end�rnents �a t�e reco�ded copy of fhe final <br />developm.�z�t �lan. <br />Provisio�s of Original Dist�rict Apply: All of t�e pxovisions a�the chapter applicable to the <br />nri�inal district vvithzn whicl� the planned �anit development district is established shall apply <br />ta t�e amended �UD dis�ric� except as oth.e�rise provided in appraval pf the fiz�al plan. The <br />ef�ec�ive date of the PUD s�all be after: <br />].. Approval of tl�e PUD amez�dz�ent and text, and <br />Z. Publication o£the ordinar�ce. (Ord. 1176, ��-25-199b) <br />Review: If substantial �evelop�nent �as not occurred within a reaso�able time after a��roval <br />oi the PUD zoning district, the City CQUncil may instruct the plaru�ing com:�x�ission to <br />i�itiate rezoning to the original zoning district. Yt s�iall not be necessary far �l�e City Council <br />to fi�d that �he rezoning was in errar. {Ord. 1082, 1-14-1991) <br />�'ormal Review Peziocis: Withia� t�e PUD agreer�enti, the eity may sched�l� formal City <br />Co�ncil �'eview periods on a� ann�al or five (5) year basis to aseertain that actual <br />development on the �i�e meets the condi�ions of the approved PUD. (4rd. l l'76, 11-25-�996) <br />1008.48: PHASING AND GUARA.NT�E OF P�RFURNIANCE: <br />A. Camparisa� With Approved Development Sc�edule: The planning cflmmission sl�all <br />cornpare the actual development accomplis�ed in the various PClD zones with the approved <br />develo�ment schedul�. <br />B. Extension of Limits €�iDevelop�ne�nt Schedule: Upon recommez�dation o�'t�e ��anning <br />commission and for good cause s�own by the p�operty owne�r, �e City Council may extend <br />ihe liz�its af the c�evelopmer�t schedule. <br />C. Construcfiio:� Rates of Dwelling and Open S�ace: T�e caz�st�uction azad proviszoz� of all o� <br />the cominon open space anci public az�d reer�atioz�al facilities which are shown on the final <br />develapzan.e�t pla� znust proceed at the �ame �ate as the canstruc�ion of dwell�ng units, z£ any. <br />The deveiapnaez�t review co�n�nittee shall review ail of t�e building pearznits issuec� #'or the <br />PUD and exarr�ine the construction w�ic� has taken p�ace on the site. Ti they £'ind that the <br />rate of canstructioza a£ dwelli�.g ux�zts is greater fhan the rate at whicl� com�x�c�n o��n spaces <br />and public az�d recreational facilities have b�en construeted and provid�d, they sk�all �'arward <br />tlais information to #he City Council for action. <br />D. Performance Band: A performanee bond oar letter af caredit shall be �ec�uired to guarantee <br />62 <br />