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2089 <br />2090 <br />2Q91 <br />2092 <br />2093 <br />2094 <br />ZO�S <br />zos� <br />209'7 <br />2098 <br />2Q99 <br />2100 <br />��a� <br />2�Q2 <br />2103 <br />2104 <br />2�05 <br />2 ].06 <br />z�o� <br />2108 <br />2109 <br />2��0 <br />2111 <br />2112 <br />2113 <br />211� <br />2115 <br />2116 <br />2117 <br />2I�8 <br />2119 <br />2120 <br />2�21 <br />2122 <br />2123 <br />2124 <br />2125 <br />212b <br />2127 <br />2128 <br />2129 <br />2130 <br />2131 <br />2�32 <br />2133 <br />2134 <br />{1 �} Additio�al Inforr�-�ation: The city may require the sub�xa�ssion of any add'ztional <br />inforz�aation or doci�menta�ion which it �aay ��d necessary. <br />d. �`i�al Plan Stage: �`inal pla� stag� subznission s�ould depict and outline the praposed <br />irrzp��;mentat.ioz�s of tl�e general concept pIan for �he �'UD. In%rmation from the general <br />cnncept plan rt�ay be inc�uded far background ar�d to provide a basis %r tiae submitted <br />plaz�. The �'inal plan stage subrr�issions shall include, but not he �imited to; <br />(1} A�nal pla� ar�d informaiian required by the title � 1 of this cade. <br />(2) Ten {10) seis o�'prelinninary pia�s drawn to a scale of not less �han ozze inch <br />eqtrals one h�u�c�ret� �'eet (1 "= 10�'} (or sca�e requested by t�e adrrzi�zistrator) <br />co�tai�ing at least the �ollowing in�'orzxaaiion: <br />(A) Proposed nam� of the d�velapment {which �hall not duplicate nor be sixnilar <br />in pronut�ciation to the name of any plat previously recorded in ��e county where <br />the s�bject �ra�erty is situa�ed). <br />(B) Property boundaary Iines a�d dimensions a�'the pro�erty and an�r significant <br />topographicaI or physical £eaiures a� the paroperty. <br />(C) The location, size, use and arrangement including heigY�t �n stories and feet <br />and tota� sq�are %et of gro�d area coverage and flaoz� area of prapased <br />buildings, including r�obz�e and e�isting building� which wiil rernain, if <br />�y. <br />(D) Location, dimensions o�a1i driveways, entrances, curb cuts, par�ing sia�ls, <br />loading spaees and access aisles a�ad al� oiher circulation ele�aents incl�ding bil�e <br />and �edestarian and t�:e tatal szte cpverage a� all circulation elements. <br />(E) Location, designation and totai area oi all common open space. <br />(F) Loeation, designation and to�a1 area proposcd to be conveyed ox dedieated for <br />public open space, including parks, playg�ounds, schoal sites a�d recr�ational <br />facilities. <br />(G) Propased lots atad blac�s, i� any, and numbering system. <br />(H) T�e lacatzoz�, use ar�c� size oistructur�s ari� othex ]and uses on adjacent <br />pzaperties. <br />(Y) Detailed sketches and provisians oi proposed landscaping. <br />(J} General �rrad�ng and drainage plans for the developed I'�[7D. <br />(K} Any ather infnrmation that may �ave beez� required by #he planning <br />commisszon or City Councit i� cat��unctioz� with the a�proval of the g�nera� <br />eo�cepiplan. <br />(3) An accurate le�al description of the entir� area within the PUD far which fi�al <br />developzz�en� plan a�prova� is sought. <br />(4) A�abulation indicating the number o£ residez�tia� dwelli�g ur�i�s and e�pected <br />pop�lation. <br />(S) A tabulation ind'zcating tl�e gross sq�are footage, if any, of coz�arz�:ercial and <br />industrial floor space by type and activity (e.g., drugstore, dry cleaning, supermarket). <br />{6} Preliminary architectural typical plans ind�cating u�e, floor, plan, elevations and <br />exterior wa�l f�nishes of proposed building including mobile homes. <br />(7) A c�etailed si�e p1an, suitab�e for recoardxng, showi�g the physzcal layout, design <br />ar�d pu�pose of a11 sireets, easerne�ts, �'i�hts of way, utility �iz�es and facilities, lots, <br />block public a�d co��on ope�n space, general landscaping pian, structure, inctuding <br />mobile hon� and uses. <br />.. <br />