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2Q43 <br />2044 <br />2045 <br />2046 <br />2047 <br />2048 <br />2049 <br />2QS0 <br />2051 <br />�as� <br />2053 <br />2054 <br />2QS5 <br />205b <br />2057 <br />2�58 <br />2059 <br />20b0 <br />206I <br />2062 <br />2Q63 <br />2064 <br />2065 <br />20&6 <br />2067 <br />2068 <br />2069 <br />2070 <br />2Q71 <br />2072 <br />2073 <br />2p74 <br />20'15 <br />2076 <br />2077 <br />2078 <br />2Q79 <br />2080 <br />2081 <br />2082 <br />2083 <br />2084 <br />2085 <br />2086 <br />20$7 <br />2088 <br />and contractual interests held in ar affecting the s�bject property and including an up <br />to date eertifiec� abstracf of �:i�le ar registered property report and such other evidence <br />as the city attorney zanay require to show the sta�us oftitle or cont�ol of the subject <br />property. <br />c. Pres�nt Status: <br />(1) Legai Descriptio�: The address and Iegal description n�'the paroperty. <br />(2j Zoning Classi£'zcatiozz: T�e existi�g zoning c�assificatzon a�nd prese�t �se oithe <br />sub�ect property and al� lands within o�e tnotzsand %et (�,000') of the property. <br />(3) Ma�: A ma� depieting the existing dev�lopment of the �roperty and ali land <br />within one thousand feet {1,000') thereofand indieating �he lacation of existing <br />streets, property lines, easements, water ar�ai�s and stp�n and sat�i�ary sewers, wit� <br />invert elevatio�.s an and wxthin one �urndred feet (100') af�k�e property. <br />{�) Descriptian: A written statement generail� describing ihe prnpased PUD aand ihe <br />market which it is infiended ta ser�e and its demand s�owing its relatio�s�z� to the <br />city's compreh.ez�szve p�az� and how the propased �'UD i� to be designed, arranged and <br />aperated in order to �ermit the development and use oineighboring property in <br />accordance with �he appiicabl� aregutations of the city. <br />(5) Site Canditions: Graphic reproductions of the e�istzn.g site conditinns at a scale of <br />one inch equals one hundred feet (1 "= 10�'}. <br />{A} Contowrs; mini�uzn two foot (2') ir�tezvals. <br />(B) Az'ea devflted ta re�iden�al use by b�tilc�in� type. <br />(C) Area devoted �o cor�nraan o�en spac�. <br />(D) Area devoted to public ape� space. <br />(E) Approximate area devoted to �treets. <br />(�'} �pproxirnate area devoted to, and number of, of� s�r�et par�ing a�d Iaading <br />spac�;s and relaiec� aecess. <br />(G) .P,pproximate area azad flnor area devoted to cpm�ercial uses. <br />(H) ApprQximate area and floox area devoted �o industz�al or of�ce us�. <br />(6) Construction Sta�;es; When the PUD is tia be cnnstructed in stages during a�eriod <br />o�tim� extenc�in� beyor�d a s�ng�e constri�etion seasorz, a sched��e for �he <br />develapment of such stages or uzaits shall be subxnitted stati�g the approximate <br />beginnir�g and coin�letian date �or each stage or unit and the proportion of the total <br />FUD �uhIic or comzanon open space and dwelling uz�its ta Yse pravided oar co�structed <br />duri�g each stage and avera�l chronolagy of developme�t to be followed from sta�e <br />tn stage. <br />(7) O�en Spaee and Sezvice Facil�ties: Whe� the proposed PUI7 includ�s prnvi�ions <br />for public or comman open space or serviae facilities, a s#atern.ent describing the <br />provision that is to be made for th� caare and maintez�ance o� suc� apen space oz <br />service �acilities. <br />(8) Co�e�ants: Any res�rictive cc�venants tha� are to be recorded with res�seet to <br />pra�erty included i� the propased PUD. <br />(9) Utilzties Plans: �che�a�ic uiilities plans ind�cating place�raent of water, sani�ary <br />az�d storaraa sewers. <br />(10) Exceptions: The city �nay excuse an ap�licanfi from submi�ting any specific item <br />o� informatior� or document required in tl�is stage r�v�ich it i'inds to be unnecessary to <br />t�e cQnsidera�ion o£th.e speci�c proposal. <br />65 <br />