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2187 <br />2� 88 <br />2189 <br />2190 <br />2191 <br />2192 <br />2193 <br />2�94 <br />2�95 <br />2196 <br />2197 <br />2198 <br />SECTON: <br />r #'� 1 1 ! <br />!!* i 11 <br />!!• 1 1 t <br />!!• 1 1 1� <br />��• i t 1 <br />��' 1 i i� <br />2199 Lots <br />��oo I � � o � o.o�r: <br />2201 <br />2202 <br />2203 <br />2204 <br />2205 <br />2206 <br />2207 <br />2208 <br />2209 <br />2210 <br />2211 <br />2212 <br />2213 <br />2214 <br />2215 <br />2216 <br />2217 <br />22X8 <br />22�9 <br />2220 <br />2221 <br />2222 <br />2223 <br />2224 <br />2225 <br />�-08� 10 � 0.08: <br />and T Districts <br />�}101 Q.09: <br />�893I010.Q�.: PURPOSE AND FIND�NGS: <br />Purpnse and Findings <br />General Provisions <br />Perrnits <br />S�gn Area Computation <br />Residence Dis�rict Signs <br />Through and Corner <br />Nonconforming Signs <br />Regu�ations for B, SC <br />��verabili�y <br />A. Purpose: The puipose of this Chapter is to create a caza�prehensive and balanced system of <br />szgns which will facilitate comr�unicatinr�. I� is the inteni o� t�e Chapter to aut�iorize t�e use <br />of szgns w�ich: <br />1. Encawrage a desirah�e urban c�aracter. <br />2. Preserve az�d improve tl�e a�pearance of the city as a place to live, work and visit. <br />3. Work ta eliaia�az�ate conf��ing, distraeting, or dangerous sign displays which. znterfere vvith <br />vehic�lar traffic. <br />4. �'romate commerce. <br />5. Provide for �ai� ar�d eq�al treatrnent of szgn usexs. <br />6. Promote efficie�t adax�i�istration of the si�n ordi�ance throug� a complete ar�d <br />understandable sign ordi�ance. <br />7. �'arpvide for e�er�tual eli�ai�atian af pre-existing nor��confoz�aizzg signs on a fair and <br />equi�able basis. <br />B. Findin�s: � <br />1. Signs are an es�entxal element of any com�xau�ity. Their location, num%er, siz�, desi�n <br />az�d relaiionship to eaeh ather and to other s�ctures have a signif icant influez�ce upon a <br />community's appe�ra�ce and welfare, and a aresultant e��ect upon a viewer's pearce�tioz� oi the <br />community. Signs se�ve a�zsef�i purpose in com�unicaiing a znessag�, whether <br />co�xnercial or otherwise. <br />2. Where signs are not praperly re�ulated, they contrib�te to visual e�utter, confusion, <br />aesi�etic bligh�, and create an unpleasaz�t impression: They may cause tra£�'ic .�azards and <br />� <br />