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222b <br />2227 <br />222$ <br />2229 <br />2230 <br />2231 <br />2232 <br />2233 <br />2234 <br />2235 <br />2236 <br />2237 <br />2z3s <br />2239 <br />���a <br />2241 <br />2242 <br />2243 <br />2244 <br />2245 <br />2246 <br />2247 <br />2248 <br />2249 <br />2250 <br />2251 <br />2252 <br />2253 <br />2254 <br />2255 <br />2256 <br />2257 <br />2258 <br />2259 <br />2260 <br />2261 <br />2262 <br />2263 <br />im�ede ratk�er t�ar� ez�harzce commerce. Tn such situai�gns, signs may fai� �o achieve their <br />origina� objec�ive €�f com�nunicatior�. Failure �o appro�riately aregulate s�g�as nnay adversely <br />affec� tkze pubIic I�ealth, safety and welfare. <br />3. Property and facilities located wit�aiza t�ae public rig��-of-way, such as utility pales, <br />benches, �ydrants, brzdges, sidewal�s, traffic sign �asts, and siz�ilar structures are no� by <br />tradition or designation a fnr�m far cnrnrnunieaiion by t�e ge�eral pubiic. The city wisiaes ta <br />preserve these struct�res for theix int�nded purpose, which is �he sa�'e, ef�'icient an� pleasant <br />moveme�t of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and the safe operatio� a�'�tili�y systems. <br />4. The regulations and prohibitions of the chaptez' are n�cessary to preser�cre items and <br />sirruct�xres Iocated within tl�c public right-af-r�vay for tl�eir intended pur�aoses, and tn prevent <br />the visual clutter, blight, and tra��c �azard� caused by signs. <br />�1014.42: GENERAL PROVTSTONS: <br />A. De�nitzons: As used in this C�aptez�, �he follovvi�g words and terrns sha�� k�ave the mea�i�gs <br />ascz�bed �o ihem in t%is sec�ion: <br />1. Sign: A sign is a na�e, identificatian, descrip�ion, disp�ay, illustration or devzcc which �s <br />af��ed to, painted or represented directly or indixectly upon the outside v�' a building nr <br />at�Zer surface other t�ar� a fla� as defined 'z� t�zs section and which directs attention ta aza <br />objec�, product, place, acti�ity, persaz�, ins�itution, organizatia� or �usiness. A szg� sha11 be <br />consid�red as a structure or a part flf a structure for the purpose of a�aplying yard az�d kzeight <br />ze�ulations. <br />2. Area identi�'icataan sign: A freesfiar�ding sign whieh id��ti�es the na�ae o�, ir�cludin� but <br />z�ot limited to, a residential devela�ment, a z�uitiple residential co��lex, a shopping center <br />or shnpping area, a busir�ess �aark, an iz�dustrial park, a building complex, or any <br />comb��zatio� �hereo£ <br />3. Auxiliary cano�y: A rnoi-li�e structuare prajecting over, includi�g bu.t not iirnited to, <br />gasoline putnp islands, drive-throug� banking or any cazaopy �riti� a drive-�hrflug� lane. A� <br />aua�iliary canapy paravzdes weat��r pratection for z�r�arre than the building e�ananee or <br />windows. Auxiliary ea�opies may be attached or detac�ed from the principal building. Far <br />sign purposes auxiliary cannpies shall be cansidered a separate structur�. <br />4. Balloon: A flexible, noz�pQ�ous bag inflated wit� air or a gas ligk�ter than air, suc� as <br />helium. <br />5. Banner: A tern�orary sign consiructed of clot�, paper, plastic, or oth�r rriat�aria� u�on <br />which copy is �itten and supported eit�er between pales oar fastened to buildings or other <br />str�ctures. <br />NOW �P�N <br />6. B�llboard: A sign that is erected and used �or ihe purpose af selling c�r leasing ad�ertising <br />space or for t�� puxpose o� selling goads/service� oth�r t�Zaz� t�ZC�se affered on t�e premises. <br />71 <br />