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� <br />2317 <br />�� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� � <br />�� � <br />���r����� <br />,�..�..� <br />� <br />23I8 23. Monument �ign: A frees�andir�g sign located d'zrectly at grade. <br />� �. <br />2319 <br />2320 24. Narneplate sign: A wall sign whic� states only tl�e naine ar address or both of the <br />2321 business or nceupant of t�e lot where such sign is placed. Let�ers and/or nuznbers �ust be at <br />2322 least 4 inc�es in height arzd the znaxirnum sig�► area shall nat exceed 4 squaz�e £eet. <br />2323 2S. Non-comz�ercial sign: Coznmunicati�ve devzces t�at e�press an opinian or �iewpoint of <br />2324 a socia.� or �nli�ical xzature in co�trast to cormnerczal signs that seek to draw atte�tioz� �o or <br />2325 proraraate a comrnercial, business oar economic interest or activity. <br />2326 26. No�-conforming sign: A sign w�aich lawfuily exisied prior to S-2I -2007, but does not <br />2327 canfarm to tk�is chapter. <br />2328 27. Off site szgn: A sign which ad�ertises any buszness, product, person, evet�t or sertvice <br />2329 eonducfied, sold, rnanufact�red or located off t�e preznises where t�e sig� is located. <br />233p 28. Painted sign: A sign. �ainted directly o�a the ouiside wa�l or roofi nf a building nr oia a <br />2331 �'ence, �ock or sirnilar struc�ure or featu:re in any zonir�g district. <br />2332 29. P�nnants: Pieces of cloth, paper, a� plastic i�tended to be indivaduall� s�pported or <br />2333 attached to each othex by means o£�ope, string ar ot�er �naterial, and 'a�ztezlded to be hung on <br />2334 buildings or o�her stz-�ctures or between poles, and does not inelude any written nr graphieal, <br />2335 or at�er forzn af copy. <br />2336 <br />74 <br />