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z�s� <br />2288 <br />2289 <br />2290 <br />2291 <br />2292 <br />2293 <br />2294 <br />2295 <br />2296 <br />229'7 <br />z2�s <br />2299 <br />2300 <br />2301 <br />z�o� <br />2303 <br />2304 <br />2305 <br />2306 <br />2307 <br />2308 <br />2309 <br />2310 <br />231 ]. <br />2�12 <br />2313 <br />23�4 <br />2315 <br />2316 <br />13. Flashzng sign: A sxg� on wl�ich artificia� light is not znainiained stationary or constant <br />in znte�nszty, form or color at all times i�clt�ding bt�t zapt limi�ed to videa signs, electrQ�ic <br />rnessage boards, a�ai�ated signs, electronic d�splay screens and scralling signs. �'lashing <br />signs shall �ot ine�ude signs where arti�cial light changes in i�tensrty, foz-z�a or color three <br />ti�aes or less in a 24 hour perind. <br />14. Freestanding szg�: Any szgn not affxec� to a building including, bui not li�ited tio, a <br />ground sign, pale sign, pY�on sign or monument sign. <br />15. Grnt�nd sign: A si�n mout�ted on the ground attache� eiiher to %oiir�gs oar a base wit�t <br />an apen space be�ween the ground and the szgn face. <br />16. �eight of freestanding si�;n: The actual distance £rom the grade to t�e highes� �aznt o� <br />the sign, including any struct-�are ar architectural eamponent of the si�gn. <br />� 7. Holic�ay szgn: A sig� or disp�ay which contains ar de�icis znessages pertaining to a <br />natza�za�, state or religiaus haliday az�d na o�her rn�atter. <br />1$. Home occupatia� sign: A sign located at a residence advertising a business condueted <br />iz� the reszd�nce ar t�y persons resic�ing in the resic�ence. <br />19. Il�u�inated sign: A sign nn or froa�xa whieh artificial li�ht is dzrected. <br />20. Masfier sign plan: 'Written dact�nent describin� a1I pro�osed si�ns regarding a specific <br />szte, dev.elopznent, ar can�p�e�, submitted by owner/managcr including a�l type of <br />signs/signage desired, reviewed and ap�roved by the city, and shall at a rrzinimiuxn include <br />s�gn tiype, �ocatzon, siz� iilus�rations. <br />21. Menu/order board sign: A sign ir�stalled i� a dz�ive-through fiacility and iniended for <br />drive-thrau�l� e�astomexs advertis��zg �he prnt�t�cts available at �he facility. <br />22. Mohile sign: A sign designed or intended ta be moved ar t�ansported. Examples a� <br />mobile signs are included, bu� not tinaited to, A� or T— i'rame signs, sandwich signs arzd <br />sig�s designed to be transport�d by trailer or on wheels. A sign may be a rriobile s�gn eveza <br />i£ i� has w�eels rernovecl, was designed �rit�out wheels, or is attack�ed tezaaporarily to the <br />ground, a structure, or other sign. Sigz►s ma�u�ted on a vehicle for adver�ising pu�poses, <br />when the vel�icle is parked and vzsible from �ublic right-of-way, e�ce�t signs identifying a <br />business wheaa the vehicle is being used in �he normai day-to-day c�peration of that business. <br />73 <br />