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2377 <br />2378 43. U�dex cano�y sig�: Any sign �anging below a buildin� canopy, awning, c�r building <br />2379 overha�g. <br />23$0 <br />2381 <br />2382 <br />23$3 <br />238� <br />2385 <br />2386 <br />2387 <br />238$ <br />2389 <br />2390 <br />2391 <br />2392 <br />44. Wall sign: A sign constr�rcted o� a panel at�ached to a struct�.r� or raised l�tters or <br />symbols attaclaed ta a wall nr combi�ation thereof. No parl: of such a sign is painted on the <br />wall surface. <br />;���� � <br />4S. WhirIing devic�: Any attentioz�-getting device �hat twirls a� spins by eor�trol of v�z�d or <br />mechanical means. <br />46. Window sign.: Any sign placed on tlae iz�texior of a window, or paznted an a window <br />such that it cari be read fram the outside of the building. <br />77 <br />