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2393 47. Winds4ck: A large roughly conical devxce open at batk� ends and a1.�tac�ed to a starid by <br />2394 a pivot so that the wznd blows �hrough zt, not incTuding devices used �'or �zavigational <br />2395 purposes. <br />239b <br />2397 <br />2398 <br />2399 <br />2400 <br />240� <br />2402 <br />2403 <br />2404 <br />2405 <br />240b <br />2407 <br />2408 <br />24D9 <br />24�d <br />2411 <br />2412 <br />24I3 <br />2�14 <br />2415 <br />2416 <br />2417 <br />2418 <br />2419 <br />2420 <br />2�421 <br />2422 <br />2423 <br />2424 <br />z�zs <br />2426 <br />2427 <br />2428 <br />2429 <br />2430 <br />2431 <br />2432 <br />z�3� <br />2434 <br />2435 <br />243 G <br />_� <br />C. <br />D <br />� <br />Diagratns: The inclusion o� diagrarr�s is for illustrativ� p�zrpnses nnly. Where a diagarazn <br />conflicts with te�t, the text sha11 co�atro�. <br />Prohibited Sigzzs: T1�e following sig.�s az�e pxa��bitec� �� a�1 zon�ng di�iricts: <br />2. Ar�y sign not specificaliy <br />allowed by this Orciinance is strictly prnhibited 'zn all zanirig dist:ricts, iz�cluding off-site <br />signs, flashing signs, mobile szgns, raof signs, �otatin� signs, painfed signs, and bilibaards. <br />The fol�owiz�g signs are pe�nitted ir� �residential dis�ricts for non-commercial purposes or►ly: <br />B�ers, hallaons, pennants, spinner�, w'tndsacks, str�amers, ribbo�s, whirling devices, or <br />light b�zlb strings. <br />3. Signs Canflieti�ag With <br />Trafi�'ic Si�nals: �a si�n s�a�� be erected t�at, by reason o�positian, shape or color, vvould <br />interfere i� any way with �he proper �'unctioning or purpose a�' a t�a�£'ie s�gn or signal. Al� <br />displays shail be shielded ia prevent light �'rom bezng directed at oncoming traffic in such <br />brilliance as to i�pair the visaan o� any driver. This includes indoor signs wlaich are visible <br />from publzc streets (alsa see Sectior� -�-�9�31010.02A42). <br />Placeznen� a� Sigz�s: Signs are �ubj�ct �o alI heig�t a�d sa�back req�zirerr�ents Iisted i� <br />Secfiion -�-88� 10 � 0.05 and •�-98•910 � 0.08 (claarts) o� ihis Tit1e at�d in na ease shall a building <br />sigrn ext�nd abov� the �eight of a bui�ding �a whic� it is attaehcd ar be placed on the roof of <br />a struc�ure. Signs shall not i�e perrnitted wit�in �he public right af way ar easem�nts except <br />on benc�es and ��Zeltexs which have rec�i�ved permits as pear Sectiaz� 703,05 aithis code, az�d <br />newspaper and cabstands, all of whie� shall be as governed by Chapter 901 and Sec�ion 703 <br />of th�s cade. City, co�ntp a�ad state traf�c di�ectiana] signs ar� perrnitt�d, <br />��010.03: �E��TS: <br />A. Required: A sign permit is requared prior to the �znp�ovement, erectio�, construc�ion, <br />enlargement, altaration o�r repair of any sign unless exernpt by �his Claapter. <br />1. Pearz�anent Si�;z�: <br />a. Permit Requiz�ed: A�ern�it is zequired for a�l permanen�: signage, inc�uding those <br />approved thraugh the Ma�ter Sig� Plan process. <br />2. Gc�vernrnental Si�;ns: Except £or traf%c re�ated signage, al� perrrianent eitq, or othex <br />go�ver�am.entai unit signage including flags must be approved by t�e City Council. <br />3. Te��aorary Signs: <br />a. Permit Required: I'ern�its �or temporary s�gns, grand opening signs, special e�vent signage <br />and ot�er att�r�tio� getting de�ices zx�ay be issued iar s�archlights and/or balloa�ns not �xceeding <br />2 feet in the larges� dimensinn, tents, laser ligh� s�aor�vs a.nd similar attentia� �etting devices. <br />Temporary signs shall nat izzclude banners. <br />b: Removal: During any calendar yeat�, tempo�'ary signs, grand apening signs, special event <br />signage and other at�entioz� getting devices nnay b� in plaee t�o rnore �han 12 days, exc�p� <br />institutzoz�al uses whicl� shall be al�pwed �or no more than 30 days. <br />c. Size: The surfaee area af any �cmporary sign s�al1 not exceed 75 squa�'e feet. This drea �hal� <br />78 <br />