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2563. <br />2564 <br />2565 <br />2566 S. <br />2567 <br />2558 <br />2569 <br />2570 <br />257� <br />2572 <br />2573 <br />2574 <br />2575 � <br />257G <br />2577 <br />2578 <br />2579 <br />258� <br />2581 <br />2582 <br />2583 <br />2584 <br />2585 <br />258b <br />2587 <br />2588 <br />2559 <br />2590 <br />2591 <br />2592 <br />2593 <br />259� <br />g. Numher. The nuixahex of freestanding si�;ns s�all be reasanab]y related to �he <br />�au,tz�ber of aceess paints to public stree�s andlor �he nt�ber of �enants wzthirt t�Ze <br />mu�ti-tenant structure. <br />Approval Process: Submittal of a Master Sign Plan application, a�propriate/applicable <br />infarmation, and fee (�250 resic�ential az�d $354 cammez�czal/i�dustxial} i,s xequired with the <br />�f£'ice of Cpmmunity Development. T�e Dev�lopment Review Cozz�mittee s�alI hold an <br />administrative heari�zg and take a�pxoprzate actian o� requests far Master Sign i'lan <br />approvals. Tne follovving �hall apply: <br />a. The Comznitnity Dev�lopr�ent Directs�r or Designee s�all schedule an <br />ad�inistrative �earing before the D�veloprnent Review Commi�#ee, the tirne a�d �lace <br />for whicla s�Zall be se� b� the Co�nrr�� nity Developmenf Director or Designee, to <br />cansider t�ie proposed Mas�er Sign Plan with respect to tl�� criteria in Sectia� <br />�91010.03D4 a�this title. <br />h. Tk�e applicant and contiguQ�s/e�fected prnperty owzYers shall be noti£'ied by t�e <br />Community �evelopzrxent Director or Desigr�ee o�' suc� �iz�ne and p�ace in writing nat <br />Iess than 10 days �riar to s�zch hea.ring. The Cozzazzztxnity Developannent Director or <br />Designee z�ay n.otify additio�al property owners if a determinatian is made �hat such <br />addiiionai notifcation is merited. <br />c. Tl�e Develop�aez�t Review Cornzz�ittee shall hold the administrative �iearing as <br />scheduled by the Communi�y Developmen� Director ar Designee. <br />d. The DeveIop�ent Revier7v Cammittee shall render and forward a recoarnmendatian <br />to �l�e Community i7evelopmen� Director ar Designee for appraval and tk�� <br />Com�z�raunity Development Director or Designee shall make �he final d�cision. <br />e. S�ouid the applicant or a co�ati�uous �ro�er�y owner ob�ject to ihe Com�aunity <br />Developm.e�t Directar or Designee ciecision o� the Master Sign �1an, an appeal may <br />be fzled within IO days �ollowing ihe adzz�anistrative deci�ion by tke Co�nunity <br />DeveIop,rz�ent Dzarector car Dss2gnee. The ap�eal shall be made in writin� and shall be <br />addaressed ta the City Manager. The Varianc� Board sha11 take up tihe a�pea� at a <br />reg�lar board rneeti�g with�n 45 days on the appeal. The Master Sign Plan appeal <br />shall follaw notice requirements and athe:r procec�uz�es contained in Chapter 1Q8 of the <br />Title. <br />2595 � �110I4.�4 <br />2596 CQMPUTATTOI�: <br />2597 <br />2598 <br />2599 <br />260d <br />2601 <br />2602 <br />26p3 <br />2604 <br />2605 <br />SIGN AR�A. <br />A. Computation of Sign �urf�ce Area oi Individual Cabinet or Panel Sign: To campute ihe <br />area for a eabinet or panel sigz� �ace: Cazx�pute by mear�s a� �he smallest s�uare, <br />rectangle, c'�rcle, tr�angle, a� eombination thereof fihat vvill encompass the e�tre�n� limit of <br />the copY, r�pres�nta�ian, �agn, embtez�, or othe�' drsptay, togeiher with axty materia� or <br />calor fa�ing an xr�tegral pa�t of �he background or ti�e display or used ta different�ate tk�e <br />sign �rom the backdrop or siructure a�;ainst wk�ic� it is attac�ed ar affi�ed, F��t na� <br />includi�g any supporC framework, baracing, or decora�ive fence oz- wall wk�e�t suc� fe�ce <br />or wall otherwa�e meeis t1a� periznent zoning regalations a�d 'as cleaz�ly incidental to th.e <br />display itself. <br />82 <br />