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2518 <br />2519 <br />2520 <br />2521 <br />2522 <br />2523 <br />2524 <br />ZS25 D <br />2526 <br />2527 <br />2528 <br />2529 <br />253D <br />2531 <br />2532 <br />2533 <br />1. Adzx�inistratian: Adt�ainistration, enfareement, permits, fees and ins��ctio�s s�iall be as <br />e�tablished �or b�ildin� pe:ramits in Title 9 a£t1�e City Cade. Exception: Wri�e� permit <br />applica�ians are not requirer� far no-�'ee temporaxy special events. <br />2. Variance: A si�n pezz�it applica�t or permit �older may a�pea� an order ar <br />dete�ai�nation by making an applicatio� far a variance. A variance request must fallow <br />the procedures establisk�ed in Sectipn �O13.02, and sl�a�l be proeessed in accordazace witl� <br />Minnesota Statut�s Sectior� 15.99 and Sectian 1014.04 o£this Code. <br />Masier Sign Plan: <br />1. �'�rpo�e. Ti�e puarpose of the Mastex Sign Plan is to establish fair an� equ�table crz�e�ria <br />foz� co�n�alex signage situatians that accp�zamodate the ne�d �or a Well-rnaintained, safe, <br />ar�d attrac�iv� cornrni�nity, and the need far e££ective co�auziieat�ons including busi�ess <br />identi�caizo�. <br />2. Effec� of Mastex Szgn i'larl. Upon approval o� a Maste�r Sign Plan, all future sxgns <br />shall con�orm to the Master Sig� �lan. Modifications to �he provisions of �he Iv.[aster <br />Sign Plan z�ay be granted o�ly wit� the approval of a new Master Sign Pla�. <br />3. Required. A Master Sign <br />2534 Plan zs arequired %r: <br />2535 a.B�ilding co�nplexes <br />2536 �.Mul�i-tenant si:ructures <br />2537 c.Covered rnall builc�ings, shopping centers nr sfirip �nalls <br />253$ d.Plaruled unit developm�nts <br />2539 e.Area ider�tificatao� signs <br />25�0 f Churc�es/�lace� of warshiplin.stitutions/schools <br />2541 4. <br />Criteria. The �'ollowin� <br />2542 criteria sk�ould be used �when deveXoping a Mas�er Si�n Plan. <br />2543 a. Guideline. If pos�ibie, the undearly�a�g zaning distric� regulations (per(:ai�a�z�g �o <br />2544 � signage and listed in Section �310�O.1Q) should be used as a guideline with <br />2545 rninir�aunn variations as n�eded to r�eet the intent of this Chapter. <br />2546 b. Locatio�. �o freestanding sign s�all be lflca�ed closer tl�an 5 feet ta a pro�erty line, <br />2547 roadway easez�zaez�t, oi ather public easeanraent. No freestandi�g sign sha11 be execied <br />254& that, by reaspn of position, sha�e pr color, would interfere in any way witk� t�� prope�r <br />2549 func�ioning or �urpose of a�raffic sign ax signai. No £�eestanding sign shal� be lacated <br />2SSQ wit�in the Trai�c Visibil'zty Triangle. No freestandzn.g szgn sha11 impedelimpair <br />25 S 1 traffic. <br />2552 c. Quality. All signage sk�all irnprove t�e aesthetics or ��znctiQ�al �se nf t�e s�te. All <br />2553 �'reesta�ding signs shatl i�ac�ude �nnaieriats t�at comp7iment the architectt�ra.l <br />2554 design/�xistzng builciing materials, z�cludzng but nnt 1'zmited to face brick, na#urai ar <br />2555 c�t stone, integ;ral�y colared concre�e z�asor�y unit�/rac� faced block, �lass, pre- <br />2556 finislaed metal stucca or simiiar cernentation coating, and/or �actory �inished metal <br />2557 panels. Landscapi�g may be integrated into any freestanding sign. <br />2558 d. Type. All types of signs are permitted excepi those prohibiied by Section <br />2559 � -�� 1010.02C. <br />256� e. Size. T�e s�ze of aIl szgr�age (building wall and iree standing) sha11 be lixxaited to <br />256I � 1.5 tiz�zes the maxi�ntzm a�Iowed unc�er Seci�on �991010.08 {Wall Sigr�age}. <br />2562 f. Heig�t. The height af ariy fr�e starading sign shall be Iimited fio a height o�'4Q feet. <br />�� <br />