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74 0�, iz��a�matzon. <br />75 �NTENNA STRUGTURE-PR.IVATE: Any poie, spire ar struc��re, or any combination, ta <br />76 which an ar�ter�na is or could be attached or which is designed for an ant�nna ta be attac�ed a,nc� <br />77 all supportin� �znes, cables, wire� azad braces erect�d for tlae �o�ncomnnercial and nan-vencior use <br />7$ of inforr�atian. {Ord. 11 b6, 5-28-1996) <br />79 AT'ARTMENT HOT'EL: A hotel which contains dweIling �ni�s or dwelling units and lodging <br />SO raoms, and in whicl� at least fifty percent (50%) of t�e gross floor area devoted to residential use <br />8� shaI� be allocatec� io such dwe��ing units. Serv��es ordixzarily �'ur,nished by �aotels, such as a <br />82 drugstore, tearoom, barbe�shop, �ewsstand, w�en suc� a�re loeated enti�rely within the building <br />83 with no separate entr�ces fro�n the street and ha�in� na sign or dispIay visible frorn the outside <br />84 of the building indieating existez�ce of suc�t use, may be ft�rnislaed. <br />8S AUT4 REDUCTxON YARD: An ppen lot aar ya�rd where t�are� (3) or �nno�e unlicensed mafio� <br />$6 vehicles, or the remains ai unlicensed maior vehicles, are kept for the puYpose of dismaniling, <br />87 sale of parts, sale as scrap, sfiorage ar abandonmen�, excepi the s�orage of aperative vehicles in <br />88 conj�znction with an estabiished usec� a�to and/or truck b�a�iness or any other �remises used for <br />89 vvrecki�g or storing of rnotor vehicles zaat in run�aing condition. <br />90 AUT4 REPA�R; MA.�4R: Genera.� repair, xebuzlding o� recone�itio�zizzg af engiz�es, mot�r <br />91 vehicles or trailers, ineluding badywork, framewar%, welding, and painting. (Ord. 1286, 08-04- <br />92 2003) <br />93 AUTO-REPAIR; MiNOR: The replacement o£ any part or repair af any part w�ich does nnt <br />94 require �e�ovai of the engine head or p1an, engine transmission or d'zfferential; incidental body <br />95 or fet�der work, minor �ainting or upholstering service to passen.ger vehicles and trucks not <br />9b excceding three-quarler {3/4) ian capacity. (Ord. 1286, OS-04-2003) <br />97 BA�EMENT: Any area of a siructure, including crawl spaces, �avzn�; its floax b�low t�e firsi: <br />98 stoary, regardless af t�ae de�i�� of excavation belpw grou�d level. (Oard.. 1286, 08-�4-2Q03) <br />99 BINGO HALL: A przncipal or accessary use of a st�'�ctttre or �roperty to operate a�it��o �Za1I <br />100 licensed under chapter 304 o�this cod� and Miruiesoia statutes sectinn 349.16�. (Ord. 1244, 12- <br />I O 1 15-200Q) <br />102 BUTLDTNG: Any stz�ucture for the shelter or enclosure o� persons, ar�imals or property o� any <br />� 03 k�nd. (Ord. Z 286, 0&0�-2003} <br />l 04 BUILDING HE�GHT: Bui�din� h�z�k�� is ta be rzz�asur�d fz-azx� the average establisk�ed eurb le�e� <br />105 or �rom. the average ground ievel at the bualding line, w�ichever is hi�her, to the �op of the <br />� Q6 ca��ce oi a flat roof, to t�ae flat aroo� �ortio� o� a mansaxd raof and to the mean he�ght between <br />107 eaves and ridge �or a pi�ched nr hipped roof (Ord. 1286, OS-04-2003) <br />108 BL7LK OR MASS: Signifies tk�� size in area and voluzx�e of buildzz�gs in terz�as of floor axea and <br />1 Q� floor area ratia, the Iocation of walis in relatio� ta lat lines a�ad to exterior walls of other <br />110 buildings. {Ord. 1286, 08-04-2003) <br />111 CITY TOWER SITE: A location(s) in t�e city o�z which is or r�ay be located ane or :�x�ore <br />��2 ar�ten�as available for eozzneciion a�c� use by azzy person, �z�zxz ax corporatian in aecordance wiih <br />I 13 � the provisions of chapter �l 013 of t1��s title azad upon. executiarz of a lease v,rith the city. (Ord. <br />l I4 1I56, 5-28-1996} <br />115 DAY CARE FACILITY: A faciiity �ha� provides non-medical care £or c�ildren or adults in need <br />11& of personal serr�ices su�ervisioa� nr assistance essential; fnr sustaz�ing activities of dazly livin� or <br />1 l 7� far ��e protectio� o�ihe individua� on less than a 24-hour basis. Tl�e facility must �eet a11 state <br />118 standards £ax registratzon and inspectians. tQrd. 1286, Q8-04-2003) <br />119 DAY CARE FACILITY, IN-HOME: A si�gle farniiy home in which a�errnaz�ent occupant of <br />