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12Q the clwellang �xpvides �'or the care of chitdren or adults. T�ase r�ceiving care are not related to <br />121 i�e occupant ar to each o�her and are not t�e legal vvards or fnster children of the attendant adult. <br />122 Far the p�rposes o£this Code, such activitie,s shall r�eet a�l requireznents a�lio�ane occ�pations. <br />123 The hoz�ae �ust meet all standards for regzstration and inspection and not e�ceed sta�e lirnits �or <br />124 numbex of clients. (Ord. 128b, 08�04-2003) <br />125 DOG KENNEL: Any premises w�exe three (3) ar nr�ore dogs over three {3) mon�hs o� age are <br />126 lcep�, except where a speeial muitiple da� l'zcense (3 or 4 dpgs) is is�ued pursuant to section <br />127 ( 501.20 of this code. (Ord. 1034, 4-25�1988; ��ai�d. 1995 Code) <br />128 DRY-CLEANING SERVICE FACILITY: A facility foz dry cleaz�ing clothin� �vhic�: <br />129 A. Uses o�Iy the �onflatx�mable r�ry-cleanang solven� �erchloroeth�lene (�ERC) or similar <br />130 nanflamrnable soivent� ap�roved for use in dry-clea�ing plants by t�e federal enviro:�a.�aental <br />131 protection age�cy; <br />132 B. Accaz�rap�ishes all trans£ers af clothing �'ram the cleaz�i�g rta�chines to t,�e dryers by t�e <br />� 33 c�z'y-ta-dry rnethoc�, removing the majority of e�eaning solvent before moving clothes to <br />13�4 dryers to minimize in-plani cleaning solvent expos��t'e; <br />135 C. Deodari�es �he dry�r exhaust by passing t�e exhaust over a re�rigerat�d coil or through a <br />136 carl�nr� absorption unit before tk�e exha�zst is discharged into the o�tside air. The exhaust so <br />�37 disc�arged cQntai�zir�g �o more than ozze h�zndred (1d0} parts per ncaillian (�,OOO,OOQ) of the <br />13$ dry cleaning solvents; <br />139 D. Rec�cles al� solvent removed fram dryer ex�aaust; <br />140 E. Provides fr�sh make-up air af at least £'ive hunctred (500) c�bic %et p�r minu�e to each <br />l� I dry eleaning machine; a�d <br />142 F. Disposes of all dry cleaning process byproducts in conforzni�y with Federal <br />�43 Enviroz�z�aez�tal Pzotec�io�a Agency r�quireznents. (Ord. 1023, I 1-23-87}, (prd. 1286, OS-04� <br />144 2043) <br />145 DWELLTNG: A buiIding, or partion tlaereo% oecupied or inte�ded to he occupied exclusively for <br />146 r�s�clence pu�poses, bu� nat incIudi�z�, rparns in �otels, �otels, nursing home,�, roa�ing ho��es or <br />147 tourist �ozz�es; or a traz�er, tent, cabir� ar txailer eoach. <br />�4$ DWELLTNG, ATTACHED: A dwelling which is joi�ed to othex d�rellings at one or bo�� sides <br />149 by a common wall or walls. (Ord. 1286, 08-04-2003) <br />150 DWELLING CAPACITY: The maximu� accupancy of a dwelling unii bas�;d on tihe allowed <br />15 � number of res'rdents livin� in a dwelling unit. (Ord. 1286, 08-04-2003} <br />152 DVdELI.,TNG, D�TACHED: A residential b�ilding which is entirely suzz�aund�d by o�en space <br />153 or� the �ame loi. <br />154 DWELLTNG, MU�.,T�pLE-�'AM�LY: A building or partion thereai containing �hree {3) or zx�are <br />1SS dwelling units. <br />156 DWELLING, S1NGLE-FAMILY: A resideri�ial builciing or portiorz thereoi containing one <br />157 dwelling ur�it. (O�d. �2&6, 08-0�-2Q03) <br />�SS llWELLING, TW4-�AMZLY: A residential l�uilding car��aining two (2) dwelling u�its. (Ord. <br />159 2'�5, 5-12-59; arnd. I995 Code} <br />1b0 DWELLiNG UNIT: �esidential acca�zamQdations, wzik� separate lockable exterior and int�rior <br />Ib� entrances, including co:r�aplete bathroom and k�tchen facili�ies �errnanently instailed, whzch axe <br />�62 arraz�ged, designed, used or infiended as living c�uarters. Where a privata garage is stz'ucturaily <br />163 att�c�ed, it s1�a11 b� considered as a part ot'the buildzng in which the dwelling unit is loeated. <br />164 (Ord. �286, OS-04-2003) <br />�&S ELECTRONIC EQ�7�PMENT, Iv1ED�CAL IN,STRUME�ITATI4N DEV�CES: Eiec�ronzc <br />0 <br />